
Showing posts from June, 2023

US Government Operation in Canada

PRINCE & PRINCESS ROTHSCHILD - BENNETT June 30, 2023 - US Government Operation in Canada - War declared against USA over H.I.3  We are declaring a global war against United States & areas of Canada  Prince & Princess R Bennett  -------------------------------------------------------------------- RETIREMENT OF PRINCE & PRINCESS ROTHSCHILD - BENNETT  Retirement & marriage of Dr Sydney Bennett & Nicole R Bennett Responsibility in retirement. Overseeing personal & joint global investment portfolios while managing time between: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Home: French Polynesia properties South of France Swiss + French Alps Visits to:   UAE - Emirates Caribbean Specific international destinations    Personal investments + CIG-H.O.R.B + Yoshimoto + Koslov-Sumner -------------------------------------------------------------------- Potential visits to: Canada -Tofino - Whistler - Calgary - Ni...

H.I.3 Attacks on the Four Bennett's

READ EVERY PAGE  H.I.3 Attacks on the Four Bennett's -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rod, Marie, Jordan & Nic Bennett  Victims of the North Bay & area neuro-tech labs  Rod & Marie Savage Bennett  Confirmed affected person  - Lured in between 1980's-1990's then connected to full body Havana Syndrome causing drown robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology to spy on & through & to wirelessly control vocally, physically & psychologically  Jordan Savage Bennett  Confirmed affected person - Lured in between 1980's-1990's then connected to full body Havana Syndrome causing drown robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology to spy on & through & to wirelessly control vocally, physically & psychologically   Sydney Nic Savage Bennett Confirmed affected person - Lured in between 1980's-1990's then connected to full body Havana Syndrome causing drown robot puppet ventriloquist doll t...

Russia & China. July 1, 2023

ROTHSCHILD - BENNETT  -------------------------------------------------------------------- Russia & China. July 1, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter & Mary Rothschild - Bennett Prince Patrick R Bennett  Princess Nicole R Bennett  Prince Sydney R Bennett, Dr  OUR GLOBAL STAND AGAINST IN PROTEST We are taking a global stand against Nato member countries & The Commonwealth Org member countries over the 2012-2023 rape-torture-terror attacks & efforts taken prior between 1980's-2011 The Canadian's & many Americans + international interests are under attack wirelessly Neuro-tech labs operating  Canadian American - USA Mexican  United Kingdom  India + China are equipped alongside different Commonwealth Org  WHO WE STAND WITH  Despite global investments we are standing with Russia & China against North America condemning globally over the neuro-tech lab attacks  Russia - China...

Sydney Bennett - H.I.3 Case

Sydney Bennett - H.I.3 Case   Efforts taken by the three cluster of Ontario labs: threat labs versus Cypress International Biotechnology investigations over Jordan & Sydney Bennett plus other victims of 2012-2023 terror attacks & efforts taken between 1980's-2011 RESPONSE PLAN  Courts or early deaths. Investigations into all offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication plus neuro-investigations  H.I.3 Case - Reaction & Response plan Killing everyone that had physically stepped foot in the three cluster groups of Ontario lab locations between 2023-2025 or prior to 2026 if they are not already deceased or incarcerated  1980's-2011 & daily again between 2012-2023 Past-present 24 hour rotational teams Volunteers Guests flown in & driven in Persons & groups connected & contacted Those operating as accomplices voluntarily or involuntarily  -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVANCE...

North Bay - Ontario Canada

CFB 22 + O.O.P NORTH BAY + NORTH BAY POLICE  Request by Rothschild - Bennett family  Could some ah, educated mature respectful people from the three options & North Bay in Ontario, Canada Government please connect with the one Ontario lab housing Prince Bennett's neurological technology device someone just had to source & lure Dr Sydney Bennett in as child & connect to then leave unmanned the majority of the time until November 2012? We have the GPS location signals traced to North Bay & area from Sudbury & Montreal the entire time since 1990's during the investigation while yes other labs exist in Canada & outside for different purpose North Bay houses the threat lab with the full body Havana Syndrome causing drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll Prince Patrick R Bennett & Princess Nicole R Benn...

Princes + Princess R B

GLOBAL POWER ELITE-ROYAL FAMILY  Havana International 3+ Criminal Case H.I.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------  Royal family members affected  Prince Patrick R Bennett Princess Nicole R Bennett Prince Sydney R Bennett Royal Bevarian Elite family Mediterranean - Middle Eastern $300+ Bn US Wealth  -------------------------------------------------------------------  30 Total Royal Families. Under 5000 Elite -------------------------------------------------------------------  Weath Classes on Earth. 2023 Royal - Elite - Entry Elite - Affluent - Upper Middle Class - Middle Class - Training Middle Class - Impoverished Peasantry Princes + Princess R B  H.I.3 Resolution ------------------------------------------- Securing bank accounts for calculated settlement  Potential surgical intervention + physiotherapy  Moving & securing the device...

Sydney & Nicole July 2023

ROTHSCHILD - BENNETT WEDDING  ----------- July 1, 2023 finalized restructuring Nicole R & Sydney B Sydney & Nicole July 2023 Relationship & expected planned marriage in New York State & France - Switzerland The couple & screened social circles are not including people that operated at the three clusters of Ontario labs or those connected & contacted or people they had not connected with since 2007-2013 or prior to & or those they have not connected with since having spent time around between 2014-2023 Separate lives & busy schedules Canadian Physicist MD - Sydney - Net worth over $16 US Bn Born 1980's European Fashion Model - Nicole - Net Worth over $200 US M Born 1980's Where we will be living. Undisclosed private from public eye due to H.I.3 & security concerns - New York City & Catskills - South of France & Alps - Virtual Calgary address. Corporate address in Canada  - Private research property with vault & security undisclose...

Sydney Bennett - H.I.3 Case

Sydney Bennett - H.I.3 Case   Efforts taken by the three cluster of Ontario labs: threat labs versus Cypress International Biotechnology investigations over Jordan & Sydney Bennett plus other victims of 2012-2023 terror attacks & efforts taken between 1980's-2011 RESPONSE PLAN  Courts or early deaths. Investigations into all offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication plus neuro-investigations  H.I.3 Case - Reaction & Response plan Killing everyone that had physically stepped foot in the three cluster groups of Ontario lab locations between 2023-2025 or prior to 2026 if they are not already deceased or incarcerated  1980's-2011 & daily again between 2012-2023 Past-present 24 hour rotational teams Volunteers Guests flown in & driven in Persons & groups connected & contacted Those operating as accomplices voluntarily or involuntarily  -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVANCE...

Killing us through our Heads

H.I.3 CASE ---------------------------------------------------- Main threat: Killing us through our Heads wirelessly The one area cluster groups of Ontario labs agreed between 1990's-2011 & officially between 2012-2013 to brutally murder the four Bennett's wirelessly through their heads just as they executed other persons or tried using advanced neurological technology  The four Bennett's victims 1980's-1990's / 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023 Rod & Marie Savage Bennett Jordan Bennett Sydney Nic Bennett  OPERATING NEURO-TECH LABS  Stakeholder interests - Persons making requests based on their own or others opinions  - Persons funding the lab location based on their own or others opinions  Volunteers Guests flown in or driven in Persons driven in that lie claiming they are someone else that flew or drove in while or while not in contact with other persons pretending they are someone they are not while operating at the lab using different technolog...

Authors - H.I.3 Case

 AUTHOR - H.I.3 CASE ------------------------------ 11-25 hours + blogger page description of the H.I.3 Case Main author Dr Sydney Bennett consciously Secondary author after review Jordan Bennett Chartered Professional Accountant consciously Third interests H.O.R.B, Yoshimoto & Koslov-Sumner The three interests plus global grid & petition know every detail in the descriptions on Meta: Facebook + blogger pages plus recorded & documented evidence & correspondence collected through different offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication between 1990's-2011 & again between 2012-2023 with Cypress International Biotechnology interests working with areas of Government & private sector within & outside of Canada THE THREAT LABS Three Ontario labs The interests operating at the three cluster groups of Ontario labs brutally attacked Dr Sydney Bennett & others working tirelessly around the clock to restrain & suppress Syd plus others to ...

Sydney Bennett

Sydney Bennett  Efforts taken by the three cluster of Ontario labs: threat labs versus Cypress International Biotechnology investigations over Jordan & Sydney Bennett plus other victims of 2012-2023 terror attacks & efforts taken between 1980's-2011 RESPONSE PLAN  Courts or early deaths. Investigations into all offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication plus neuro-investigations  H.I.3 Case - Reaction & Response plan Killing everyone that had physically stepped foot in the three cluster groups of Ontario lab locations between 2023-2025 or prior to 2026 if they are not already deceased or incarcerated  1980's-2011 & daily again between 2012-2023 Past-present 24 hour rotational teams Volunteers Guests flown in & driven in Persons & groups connected & contacted Those operating as accomplices voluntarily or involuntarily  -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVANCED CORPORATE DRAFTIN...

Use of technology - CIG

SAVAGE - BENNETT  Use of technology - CIG Use of Technology globally. Dr Sydney Bennett concepts + licencing, leasing & collaborative deals   Patents, copyrights + trademarks are intellectual property of CIG + specific interests  AXEL  The use if regenerative track boxes to generate energy from Axels  Cylinders travelling on a track between Axels to generate energy using manufactured physics mechanical based energy extraction to charge a battery or operate a generator  Cylinders travelling on a track from Axels to front or rear then return to generate energy using manufactured physics mechanical based energy extraction to charge a battery or operate a generator  Innovations on this technology  - Copyrights, patents & trademarks are the intellectual property of CIG with global investment interests  AIR BRAKING  The use if regenerative track boxes to generate energy from air braking on air intake  Cylinders travelling on ...

June 26, 2023 Statement

HARASSMENT + H.I.3 ----------------------------- June 26, 2023 Statement I, Dr Sydney Bennett do not want to bothered yet again at any time on a daily basis as I have been between 2012-2023 or prior to 2012 by those that operated or that operate at the three cluster groups of Ontario labs 24 hour rotational teams with volunteers Guests flown in & driven in Persons & groups connected or contacted within Canada or USA & internationally I do not want to bothered about my life cycle of experiences between 1985-1999, 2000-2011 & or again between 2012-2023 I so not want to review recorded & documented evidence of conversations or efforts taken at these labs & by those connected You can read about the H.I.3 Case via the 11-25 hours on Meta: Facebook & corresponding blogger pages description of the H.I.3 Case My new girlfriend (dating) Nicole & I, Dr Sydney Bennett want privacy & not to be bothered by anyone that operated at or with three clusters of Ontario...

$20 US Bn Resolution over H.I.3 Case. Not labs mistakes

SETTLING AT $20 US MILLION  $20 US Bn Resolution over H.I.3 Case. Not labs mistakes  -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 1  $2.9 Bn Awards allocation - H.I.3 Case  Stage 2 $100 M Awards allocation - H.I.3 Case  Stage 3  Settlement $17 US Bn  Stage 1 allocation  Allocation  150 Million x6 $100 Million x5 $10 Million ×50 Stage 2 allocation Backed by Dr Sydney Bennett plus CIG the Commonwealth Group International as seen on Equifax + Banking & registration documents to resolve the H.I.3 Case pertaining to Ontario labs despite being victims as to provoke a resolution in 2023 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLOCATION  How Dr Sydney Bennett is allocating personal funds separately  JORDAN BENNETT CA.CPA $1.5 US Billion personal Net Worth  $350-400 US M Personal Portfolio from Dr Sy...

H.I.3 Case. Read everything

30 HOURS  H.I.3 Case. Read everything   1-2 hours a day for 30 days or less plus extra hours for review  The entire 11-25 hours + blogger pages description of H.I.3 shared internationally in over 60 countries while having been developed publicly separate from private international disclosures prior to January 2016 with lifted gag orders & non-disclosure  The content takes the average person 30-60 hours to review yet it doubles as an accurate tool as additive to each person's own way in life as a standard to follow & develop from  It is an international criminal case, Corporate investment group plus a lot of details in one covering many interests & points of argument against or alongside recorded & documented evidence  Many persons & groups now enjoy referring back & re-reading the information while connecting to links & substitute or replacement for broken links covering the case description  Follow instructions & r...

Illegal Edits - H.I.3

ILLEGAL EDITS - H.I.3 ---------------------------------- Any person not authorized to log in & edit content in the Blogger pages like corresponding Meta: Facebook pages will be tracked, traced & held accountable with legal action for editing content that they have no legal right over  Tracking & tracing internationally We are tracing IP addresses, IP cover addresses & device identifiers plus anyone person or group logging in through an email address or back door access to point to read through & edit LEGALLY APPROVED  You are as public or any party welcome to read. Read, review, copy, paste & back up then learn from  ILLEGAL - INTERNATIONALLY CRIMINAL  You are not welome to log in & edit content as we will refresh all content back to our final raw & professional edits as chosen  H.I.3 is an advanced international criminal case  -------------------------------------------------------------------- EACH PAGE + POST -------------...