Illegal Edits - H.I.3

ILLEGAL EDITS - H.I.3 ----------------------------------

Any person not authorized to log in & edit content in the Blogger pages like corresponding Meta: Facebook pages will be tracked, traced & held accountable with legal action for editing content that they have no legal right over 

Tracking & tracing internationally

We are tracing IP addresses, IP cover addresses & device identifiers plus anyone person or group logging in through an email address or back door access to point to read through & edit


You are as public or any party welcome to read. Read, review, copy, paste & back up then learn from 


You are not welome to log in & edit content as we will refresh all content back to our final raw & professional edits as chosen 

H.I.3 is an advanced international criminal case 


EACH PAGE + POST --------------------------------------

- Each Meta: Facebook main page - time line post & photo album plus photograph & description is edited professionally in a specific way intentionally as is 

We do not want any one person or group logging in through any source & attempting to edit for any purpose. We will take legal & private action 

- Each Blogger page post is written in a specific way intentionally as is 

We do not want any one person or group logging in through any source & attempting to edit for any purpose. We will take legal & private action 


IF YOU WANT TO DIE EARLY ------------------------

Log in & play this game with content you do not own or control that belongs to H.O.R.B & different international interests 


WE HAVE OVER 10 MILLION GLOBAL TARGETS -----------------------------------------------------

The persons that operated at the three clusters of Ontario labs as 24 hour rotational teams with volunteers 

The guests flown in & driven in 



CALGARY ----------------------------------------------------

3 Beacham Way NW Calgary

We caught everyone that lived with & those connected to the occupants of this residence operating with the three clusters of Ontario labs & those connected 

Items that were moved in & purchased while Dr Sydney Bennett was forced to live there between April 2019 - August 2022 in Sydney name are dictated by the one Ontario lab or consciously chosen by Syd then forcefully given away at the demand of the lab which attacked Syd in the residence like others between 2012-2023 separate from previous efforts prior to 2012 dating back between mainly 1990's-2011

Everyone confirmed involved operating at the one shelter & those connected or contacted go into the grave early between 2023-2025 & or before 2026

Last of Dr Sydney Bennett's Canadian travel apartments 



Brampton Hospital --------------------------------------

We are having everything that went to the hospital in September of 2022 killed as the one Ontario lab had people attacking Dr Sydney Bennett & wirelessly while in contact with people at the hospital operating with them at the lab 

Everyone that was at the lab & shelter used plus taxi-cab can go into the grave early between 2023-2025 & or before 2026



Toronto General Hospital ----------------------------

Toronto Hospital - Pearson Airport - Taxi-Cab - Greater Toronto Shelter 

We are killing the people that operate don't at the one Ontario lab that were physically there in November 2022 & the person's that worked at & that had visited the Toronto General Hospital at that time that did this "wink" sh*t operating with the one lab on record like taxi - cab companies + those working at the Pearson Airport in August & September 2022 & again November 2022

Everyone that was at the lab & later shelter used plus taxi-cab plus airport & hospital can go into the grave early between 2023-2025 & or before 2026


WIRELESS IMPRISONMENT -------------------------

The one Ontario lab using Toronto & area homeless shelters as a wireless prison using those working at or staying at against Dr Sydney Bennett

Brampton Shelter ----------------------------------------

15 Wilkinson Rd, Brampton, ON L6T 4M3

Willowdale Welcome Centre ------------------------

5800 Yonge St, North York, ON M2M 3T3

Specifics at a third Shelter ---------------------------

- Syd



Join over 2 billion people globally & learn every detail. H.I.3 Case. Criminal case  

Right here... raw & professional edits + links & corresponding information 

Dr Sydney Bennett. Entire life experience birth 1985- present moment May 2023 entering June 2023. It's all included. Extracted memory + halogram 3D access to the life of available in neuro-tech including auditorium - green room & screen life along with separate labs in research 


In USA a public service announcement is A-okay. In Canada announcements are different or not required as people just know like other countries. Hounded reminders 


Dr Sydney Bennett - Karen Fellici


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