H.I.3 Case. Read everything


H.I.3 Case. Read everything  

1-2 hours a day for 30 days or less plus extra hours for review 

The entire 11-25 hours + blogger pages description of H.I.3 shared internationally in over 60 countries while having been developed publicly separate from private international disclosures prior to January 2016 with lifted gag orders & non-disclosure 

The content takes the average person 30-60 hours to review yet it doubles as an accurate tool as additive to each person's own way in life as a standard to follow & develop from 

It is an international criminal case, Corporate investment group plus a lot of details in one covering many interests & points of argument against or alongside recorded & documented evidence 

Many persons & groups now enjoy referring back & re-reading the information while connecting to links & substitute or replacement for broken links covering the case description 

Follow instructions & review every detail thoroughly as it is an advanced way shared in basic form easy for the undereducated high school drop out or University grad to understand equally 

A couple hours a day reading slowly each Meta: Facebook time line - main page post & text description with links then photo albums & photographs plus text descriptions with each then connected blogger pages reading each post within the corresponding blogger page post descriptions as it all goes together as one case & review creating a larger overall picture & educational aid that many use in their daily lives 

This is raw form & professional with legal raw versus as is in form in this way are in the works in print & digital forms against these profiles backed up with over 1000 copies


Read each time line main page post plus photo album descriptions then each photograph has a description 

All links to corresponding connecting Meta: Facebook profiles are all as one larger connected portfolio intertwined with all content for the 11-25 hours description of the H.I.3 Case 

This is an advanced neuro-tech criminal case originating in Canada, Quebec & Ontario Provinces between 1980's-1990's

Connected blogger pages go with & links are available

Each page is different yet there are some similar or the same posts as a reminder for review between completely different content

Read thoroughly & slow then click on all links to video or other content as it goes together 

The content on the Meta: Facebook profiles + blogger pages are priority over links yet links are connected & should be noted if you skip watching 

Create a digital book mark or use a note pad to jot which pages & posts or & photographs you have read so you get through each with accuracy 

This goes with the recorded & documented evidence plus the actual wireless neuro-technology devices 

CIG Legal representation Karen Fellici


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