June 26, 2023 Statement

HARASSMENT + H.I.3 -----------------------------

June 26, 2023


I, Dr Sydney Bennett do not want to bothered yet again at any time on a daily basis as I have been between 2012-2023 or prior to 2012 by those that operated or that operate at the three cluster groups of Ontario labs

24 hour rotational teams with volunteers

Guests flown in & driven in

Persons & groups connected or contacted within Canada or USA & internationally

I do not want to bothered about my life cycle of experiences between 1985-1999, 2000-2011 & or again between 2012-2023

I so not want to review recorded & documented evidence of conversations or efforts taken at these labs & by those connected

You can read about the H.I.3 Case via the 11-25 hours on Meta: Facebook & corresponding blogger pages description of the H.I.3 Case

My new girlfriend (dating) Nicole & I, Dr Sydney Bennett want privacy & not to be bothered by anyone that operated at or with three clusters of Ontario labs

We will be living between Niagara Region & NYC then Calgary in North America with Mediterranean interests connecting with international CIG interests privately

Any content described is owned by CIG unless it is an external link to describe the criminal case and all works have been shelved permanently over the H.I.3 Case

Screened family & social circles can connect through our security & legal channels of representatives


Screened family & social circles can connect through our security & legal channels of representatives

We do not allow people or groups not employed under us to speak on our behalf digitally or face to face in person. Approved legal + private representatives or messengers only otherwise anything said is a damaging assumption based comment to negatively affect us in favor of one or more persons even if there is strategy to make us look good in subtle sarcasm in superiority


We settled on after the 2023 restructure of our portfolios 

Ontario Canada + New York State

Lakehouse accerage Niagara Region - Syd
Vineyard - Syd
NYC apartment - Nicoles
Shared Calgary condo - Syd

Joint residential + options with CIG-H.O.R.B + Yoshimoto + Koslov-Sumner

Nicole is a NYC Fashion model & I am a MD Physicist

Screened specific residential house guests connected to CIG-H.O.R.B + Yoshimoto + Koslov-Sumner

H.I.3 Case Resolution

- Canadian credit score returned to 800-900
- CRA bill revoked
- Tangerine Bank Account cancelled out
- New international Bank accounts secured

Neuro-tech from case moved to private personal property vault with Government & legal representation involved as permanent solution 

Dr Sydney Bennett


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