$20 US Bn Resolution over H.I.3 Case. Not labs mistakes


$20 US Bn Resolution over H.I.3 Case. Not labs mistakes 


Stage 1 

$2.9 Bn Awards allocation - H.I.3 Case 

Stage 2

$100 M Awards allocation - H.I.3 Case 

Stage 3 

Settlement $17 US Bn 

Stage 1 allocation 


150 Million x6

$100 Million x5

$10 Million ×50

Stage 2 allocation 


Backed by Dr Sydney Bennett plus CIG the Commonwealth Group International as seen on Equifax + Banking & registration documents to resolve the H.I.3 Case pertaining to Ontario labs despite being victims as to provoke a resolution in 2023



How Dr Sydney Bennett is allocating personal funds separately 


$1.5 US Billion personal Net Worth 

$350-400 US M Personal Portfolio from Dr Sydney Bennett then separate personal portfolio liquidated & spent on personal interests ($10 US M) to sustain long-term sustained by the $1.5 US Billion 2024-2090+

Jordans portfolio is controlled through CIG investors as a collective group with including advanced security & the Cypress International Biotechnology defence system 


$2.75 US Bn personal Net Worth 

Technically $67.5 US Bn broken down into specific strategies to sustain  

$17 US Bn - Total Net Worth 
$2 US Bn - Children's empire 
$1.5 US Bn - Jordans empire 
$100 US M - H.I.3 Rewards 
$50 US M - Private family investment 
$2 US Bn Sydney empire 
$11.4 US Bn - Remaining 

$3,187,500,000 dedicated plus remaining of $10 US Bn in non-dedicated shorter term investments as an inflation plan to sustain & grow 

Sect 1-2 Actual personal investments within a 1/4 of $11.4 US Bn sustained by growing difference 

$1.4 US Bn + remains as emergency fund then separate personal & joint investments meeting the separate H.O.R.B Capping as a separate concern internationally 

$17 US Bn added from H.I.3 Case 


The neuro-tech lab that had snuck into my residence & permanently hooked up my Siamese cat Sugar between 2006-2022 are loosing their lives. Each person that operated her are getting electrocuted to death wirelessly using a wink - squish wink process where the brain is squished while their brains & internal organs are slowly burned to a crisp from the inside out

Squish + electrocute. Rinse repeat & a keep alive in pain injured delapitated  

Justice over the three Ontario labs + specific other threat labs is under way in planned advanced counter attack ops 

These mother fu*kers operating at these threat labs in prison for life or they are going into the ground early through wireless execution. No negotiations for what they are recorded doing by conscious choice regardless of legal & private opinions  

Hunting of Luka. People just like him or worse are responsible on record & traced. Disgusting acts on innocent animals, infants, toddlers, children & teenagers + adults 


Publicly destroyed in every way possible & privately then fu*ked in the head wirelessly in a good head fu*king head to toe in response & retaliation. Multiple parties making them hurt & feel like sh!t 24/7 

The devices pertaining to Dr Carly Koslov & Dr Sydney Bennett clamped - kept energized & moved to our private military grade vault on our private personal property secured with our legal representation & private Government representative involved in Canada or a specific non-Canadian location then left the fu*k alone with our bank accounts secured with over $17 US Bn 


Dr Sydney Bennett 


Rothschild - Bennett 


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