Russia & China. July 1, 2023



Russia & China. July 1, 2023


Peter & Mary Rothschild - Bennett

Prince Patrick R Bennett 

Princess Nicole R Bennett 

Prince Sydney R Bennett, Dr 


We are taking a global stand against Nato member countries & The Commonwealth Org member countries over the 2012-2023 rape-torture-terror attacks & efforts taken prior between 1980's-2011

The Canadian's & many Americans + international interests are under attack wirelessly

Neuro-tech labs operating 


American - USA


United Kingdom 

India + China are equipped alongside different Commonwealth Org 


Despite global investments we are standing with Russia & China against North America condemning globally over the neuro-tech lab attacks 

Russia - China - Hong Kong - South Africa - North Korea first Mediterranean second & South American third 


Capital: Moscow

Population: 143.4 million (2021) World Bank

Currency: Russian Rouble

Continent: Europe, Asia

Area: 17.1 million km²

Prime minister: Mikhail Mishustin

Government: Constitutional republic, Federal republic, Semi-presidential system


Capital: Beijing

Population: 1.412 billion (2021) World Bank

Provinces: Guangdong Province, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Hainan, Yunnan, Fujian, Shandong

Gross domestic product: 17.73 trillion USD (2021) World Bank

Official language: Mandarin

GDP per capita: 12,556.33 USD (2021) World Bank

Area: 9.597 million km²




The one Ontario lab attempts to change Dr Sydney Bennett's physical gender & sexuality  

Can go to their own clinic appointments in Calgary

Quest St Catharines

- Male trans hormones forced


Calgary clinic

- Male trans hormones forced

Peak Medical

17th Avenue Medicentres

- Female trans hormones forced

Railside Canmore

- Breast consultation


- Breast consultation

Core Psychology

- Gender marker & ID changes from M male to female F using falsified documents the one Ontario lab created

GRS Montreal 

- Consultations to cut my d*ck off


- Consultations to changechange face into a females face plus braces after botched braces in St Catharines with two teeth pulled out then two consultations in Toronto  

Red Deer

- Consultations to changechange face into a females face plus braces after botched braces in St Catharines with two teeth pulled out then two consultations in Toronto 


- Consultations to change my face to female & to change my vocal sound to female 

San Francisco 

- Consultations to cut my d*ck off


The one Ontario lab tried using these medical professionals & clinics to turn me into a sterilized half-gender freak then claim I wanted to be a woman of my own girlfriend or a gay, bisexual or pansexual male

We want everyone involved & connected at the labs including medical professionals & clinics killed or incarcerated

These efforts began between 1980's-1990's then again between 1998-2004 & again between 2005-2011 & again 2012-2023

Prince Sydney Bennett, Dr did not want to be converted to being a gay LGBTQ2+ human being or to consciously change how I am or how I do anything in my own separate life yet the one Ontario lab demanded that my body is their poccessesion to lock the conscious in to operate taking vocal, physical & psychological control of the body regardless of where I, Dr Sydney Bennett was or what I was doing or intending 

The people involved involved ate getting killed between 2023-2025 & prior to 2026 if they are not already deceased 

ELON MUSK ------------------------------------------------

People at the one Ontario lab between everything else had decided it was appropriate to compare how while illegally spying on us wireless to other people that had & do live

We are killing both parties if they are still alive in response & retaliation

We did not want to be discredited or to be written off as want to be poser but fu*k weirdos of those persons or characters

That includes con paring us to Elon Musk

We will just slaughter those that stated & Elon Musk himself then others connected to it provided we confirm it's involvement

We are as you spy on us "insert here" the second

So we are murdering you for saying that & that person plus everyone connected internationally to both parties as you refuse to appear in court & plead guilty against us



The necks & every bone in their bodies should be snapped & their internal organs destroyed 

This includes all team sports athletes 

This includes all moto & recreational power sports athletes

This includes all persons that work in film, entertainment & fashion or any industry in North America 

This includes all Government persons that work in North America 

This includes all men, women & gender variants ages 0-17 & those ages 18-100+ & those ages that were ages 0-17 that are now 18-100+


To take the body over wirelessly locking in the consciousness to forcefully control vocally, physically & psychologically fighting the body for control then forcing the subject body to do what they do not agree with then holding them accountable for these efforts then attacking them for it 

Negatively affecting the subject body & attacking injuring 

Image, reputation, character, credibility & well being plus safety & career plus adult life overall include body & health 


Dr Sydney Bennett legal rep Karen Fellici


Rothschild - Bennett 


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