
Showing posts from February, 2023


FINAL UPDATE THE 489 PAGES - BLOGGER -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO I AM --------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Sydney Nicola R Bennett ------------------------- "I never accepted the name "Nic" between 1990's-2023 by those I trusted. Screened persons refer to the name Syd, Sydney or City & do not discredit in efforts to try to become an authority above like disturbed older generations in Canada tried between 1985-2023 with their fu*ked up perspectives & demands or expectations. I always reject & take offence. I was forced to use the nickname at some Canadian workplaces" - Sydney  Celebrity Doctor. 60+ Countries  Last known updated current page 2023--------- February 23, 2023 onwards --------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the fi...


PLANNED KILLS - CANADA 2023-2026   -------------------------------------------------------------------- The one Ontario lab cluster of others in North Bay in Ontario Canada  Decided their opinion some how trumps facts plus my conscious opinion over my own life & life cycle of experiences pertaining to my life between 1985-2023 Their assumptions, false claims & disrespectful comments at my expense whilst discrediting & attempting to isolate me wireless from my own life locking in my consciousness to take vocal, physically & psychological control of my body wireless whenever they feel like Every waking moment Every sleeping moment  My decision to press charges & sue everyone that physically entered the one Ontario lab location housing the sourced full body drone robot puppet ventriloquist device is still happening  Dr Carly Koslov & family (in United States & international) ---------------------------------------------------------------...


FINAL UPDATE THE 489 PAGES - BLOGGER -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO I AM --------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Sydney Nicola R Bennett ------------------------- "I never accepted the name "Nic" between 1990's-2023 by those I trusted. Screened persons refer to the name Syd, Sydney or City & do not discredit in efforts to try to become an authority above like disturbed older generations in Canada tried between 1985-2023 with their fu*ked up perspectives & demands or expectations. I always reject & take offence. I was forced to use the nickname at some Canadian workplaces" - Sydney  Celebrity Doctor. 60+ Countries  Last known updated current page 2023--------- February 23, 2023 onwards --------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the fi...


INTRO HAVANA CANADA 3+ CASE ---------------- February 23, 2023 - Latest Update  Each page is different & all goes together as one just as with the Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours time line - main page posts & content plus photo album images (photographs) + photo descriptions. It's all one larger description together. Each page. 11-25 + 1-5 hours or under 30 hours to read & review  ONLINE & OFFLINE PRECENCE GLOBALLY  Join over 2 billion persons internationally plus those connected. Read, review & gain an understanding  BLOGGER ---------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- The blogger pages here take 1-5 hours to read & review while the Havana Canada 3+ International Labs Massacre Case takes 11-25 hours to review & memorize  Access for the public: - Blogger - Meta-Facebook  Join over 2 billion persons in over 20 countries plus those connected in reviewing & ...


A MOCKING BIRD & ACTING IN A WRITTEN SCENE -------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm Sydney Bennett. I have an objective That could be anything multiple times a day. I get bored. I have a lot of energy generally & a loosely structured schedule  WITH PERFORMANCE & PRODUCTION --------- Memory + learning styles on how to learn Repeatative versus batch-chill & letter familularity approach hybirds on feeling & cue with return on actually being able to reiterate off others communicating to you in a social & physical environment  Like reading lines & matching subtle mistakes or vocal, physical & psychological change in communication, reaction & response with mind-memory work plus an applied style, altering habits & routine  -------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATIVE PERFORMANCE ARTS ------------------ Using a pseudo-science hybrid approach from of my own creation with observ...


SCHEDULE - INTERESTS ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- What I want to do in my regular schedule plus experience in life 2023-2090+ Experiences between 1985-2011 & again between 2012-2023 Ages 37-40 ---------------------------------------------------- Retired between ages 36-37. Available  Req surgeries + physio-maintenance & unmanned permanently from one lab  Settlement + accounts secured  Restructured portfolio + screened social circles & gigs in retirement  Lots of boating, dirt biking, time on a yacht then maybe snow adventures or left for later dates  ONE SIMPLE PROCESS - STRATEGIC SCHEDULE Daily life. Morning-day-evening-night routines. Holidays, vacations, events, social circles, interests, different social dynamics including professional, personal-private, dating-partners, parenting & social  Health, dental, safety, well being, budgets, entertainment, entertaining, ar...


INTRO HAVANA CANADA 3+ CASE ---------------- February 23, 2023 - Latest Update  Each page is different & all goes together as one just as with the Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours time line - main page posts & content plus photo album images (photographs) + photo descriptions. It's all one larger description together. Each page. 11-25 + 1-5 hours or under 30 hours to read & review  ONLINE & OFFLINE PRECENCE GLOBALLY  Join over 2 billion persons internationally plus those connected. Read, review & gain an understanding  BLOGGER ---------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- The blogger pages here take 1-5 hours to read & review while the Havana Canada 3+ International Labs Massacre Case takes 11-25 hours to review & memorize  Access for the public: - Blogger - Meta-Facebook  Join over 2 billion persons in over 20 countries plus those connected in reviewing & ...


I WILL NEVER LISTEN... LABS ---------------------- Some humans that had & do exist versus others understand ---------------------------------------- Message daily between 1985-2011 & every second to the one Ontario lab plus any others that get any ideas No! I would nor submit to your efforts in dictating me once between that time frame & I will never listen to anyone you bring in or contact or reference  Try to tell me what to do. Your met with resistence & fu*k no, fu*k that! My injuries are nothing more than the daily result if not feign willing to listen & take order command from those physically there operating on past & mow present 24 hour rotational teams with guests flown in operating with different persons & groups through different offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication  I never accept or take order!  You try to tell me what to do. I resist & never take order My body & conscious decisions with legal r...


TAKES - RETAKES ----------------------------------------- Masochistic Margo lands it first try here It's within budget with timing as people will watch it just because she's cast You can rarely fu*k up once you pass the internationally known threshold versus demand  --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTHINGNESS + RANGERS GAME COUPLE  Know one even cares. They just want to see the Aussie Subway turned Actress in character Hollywood Retakes. Baker ---------------------------- YAMAHA R1 TRACK 2023 ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Sydney Nicola R Bennett 


INTRO HAVANA CANADA 3+ CASE ---------------- February 22, 2023 - Latest Update  Each page is different & all goes together as one just as with the Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours time line - main page posts & content plus photo album images (photographs) + photo descriptions. It's all one larger description together. Each page. 11-25 + 1-5 hours or under 30 hours to read & review  ONLINE & OFFLINE PRECENCE GLOBALLY  Join over 2 billion persons internationally plus those connected. Read, review & gain an understanding  BLOGGER ---------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- The blogger pages here take 1-5 hours to read & review while the Havana Canada 3+ International Labs Massacre Case takes 11-25 hours to review & memorize  Access for the public: - Blogger - Meta-Facebook  Join over 2 billion persons in over 20 countries plus those connected in reviewing & ...


MARCH 2023 - MOUNTAIN PROPERTY  --------------------------------------------------------------------- Nevada - California Lake Tahoe south. South of Truckee & Reno  Castle property option   We could vault yet resort + actual backcountry access to sled bike or snowmobile versus snowboard & to drive sports cars & road or offroad bikes + quading ZEPHYR PROPERTY -------------------------------------- For some skateboard - surf science punk from rural cottage Northern Ontario to Western Canada - California transplant to earn money & achieve financial freedom that allow for such purchase & international lifestyle leaves some regretting my existence.  Thus we understand the three Ontario lab restrictions, lock downs & rights violations prior to 2012 & against between 2012-2023 I was just some punk skater film maker kid that thought science made science. Math & science so I slowly put it altogether & later due to the Havana Internatio...


CANADA IS CLOSED FOR BUSINESS  Post - during Covid 19 - Ukraine + Global conflict crisis pre-post 2018-2020 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Lock downs - restrictions - inflation - energy Low demand & rising costs Transportation & logistics costs Systems are shutting down leaving few gauging record profits while smaller nich higher quality environmental - health focus or private competitor options fade out, ah, Hollywood Unfortunate if you prefer private & health + environmental over mainstream monopolies Economic contraction + no buyers or demand or minimal = contrating & bankruptcy or temporary closures on a larger mass scale while investors look at short-long term profit options to "satisfy" Like residential condos & residences purchased by investment groups & control over rental rates & taxes plus utilities with shadow groups with fe...


CANADIAN SLAVERY - MODERN WIRELESS -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Conclusion to the one Ontario lab of three & my sides involvement in the Havana International 3+ Ontario Labs Case Points to consider legally, factors: - Government  - Humanity citizens  - Organizations, Corporations-companies --------------------------------------------------------------------- These factors cannot own me: - As a traditional slave  - As a wireless slave  - As a traditional or wireless sex slave  Due to rights in Canada & United States of America + multiple other countries & within The United Nations & The Commonwealth of Nations  The Government of my main residence cannot own me in a lab, medical or Government military or intelligence setting wirelessly --------------------------------------------------------------------- THE ONLY SOLUTION SINCE 1990'S -------------- Process.  A. CLAMP + CRATE  Plugged in de...


INTRO HAVANA CANADA 3+ CASE ---------------- February 22, 2023 - Latest Update  Each page is different & all goes together as one just as with the Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours time line - main page posts & content plus photo album images (photographs) + photo descriptions. It's all one larger description together. Each page. 11-25 + 1-5 hours or under 30 hours to read & review  ONLINE & OFFLINE PRECENCE GLOBALLY  Join over 2 billion persons internationally plus those connected. Read, review & gain an understanding  BLOGGER ---------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- The blogger pages here take 1-5 hours to read & review while the Havana Canada 3+ International Labs Massacre Case takes 11-25 hours to review & memorize  Access for the public: - Blogger - Meta-Facebook  Join over 2 billion persons in over 20 countries plus those connected in reviewing & ...


HOW I WILL BE LIVING 2023+ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Myself Cat. Siamese now then Serval Girlfriend - Live in with shared & separate assets plus prenuptial + 50% separation clause even without marriage for protection for each other & other parties  PERSONAL STAFF & GUESTS  Security 24/7 at residences plus on person then advanced technology  Help: any children, guests, cleaning + property maintenance  Guests screened in regular rotation. Shorter & long-term then  --------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUR RESIDENCES + SHARED INTERNATIONAL ----------------------------------------- Ocean - Home Mountain - Home Desert - Home  Commercial + research property  International + travel budget  Asset list + insurance. Documents. Preservation maintenance & replacement fees & inflation strategy in decreciating expenses + wealth - portfolio management  Modes...


ENEMIES - WHY I WOULD NOT TREAT PATIENTS --------------------------------------------------------------------- I was as a Research Doctor MD. Physicist never willing to treat patients at a private or combined medical practice or clinic & hospital setting between 2011-2023 This is for multiple reasons: BOUNDARIES  I cannot stand people with their lack of morals, conscience, boundaries, inability to understand social norms & ability to know what is or is not appropriate or not appropriate around different groups of people of different ages 0-17 minors & those ages 18-100+ plus factors like race, culture, belief-religion, education level, different fluctuations in social & economic status  WEIRDOS These people on average 50% or more are dirty, weird the fu*k oh persons that do not look after their own health care & dental care or diet-nutrition & they lack the ability to think as average undereducated annoying pieces of vile parasitic degenerate sh*t which...