
The one Ontario lab cluster of others in North Bay in Ontario Canada 

Decided their opinion some how trumps facts plus my conscious opinion over my own life & life cycle of experiences pertaining to my life between 1985-2023

Their assumptions, false claims & disrespectful comments at my expense whilst discrediting & attempting to isolate me wireless from my own life locking in my consciousness to take vocal, physically & psychological control of my body wireless whenever they feel like

Every waking moment

Every sleeping moment 

My decision to press charges & sue everyone that physically entered the one Ontario lab location housing the sourced full body drone robot puppet ventriloquist device is still happening 

Dr Carly Koslov & family (in United States & international)


CLIP THEIR WINGS? -------------------------------------


Canadian corrupt Police expecting to discredit, isolate & control us while holding us down under their 24 hour watch & control interrogating us then expecting to declare us want to be frauds to take down or slowly & painfully execute for fun & enjoyment while sabotaging us & inflict mild, moderate, severe & extreme pain causing temporary & permanent injuries 24/7 


Edwin Batley 

 - We are executing everyone from the Calgary in Alberta Canada & everyone that relocated + plus those connected within & outside the borders of Canada


 - We are executing everyone from the Renfrew - Ottawa in Ontario Canada & everyone that relocated + plus those connected within & outside the borders of Canada 

Jacqueline Francis Keller

If you met or dated, slept with or lived with or spent time with Jackie between 1988-2023 your getting killed over the 2008-2023 3ffo4ts taken against me 

Jackie between 2008-2014 was the last straw for us in Canada. Jacqueline's son Ethan with all her cousin's & siblings children are getting killed alongside everyone else involved & connected in the 2012-2023 terror attacks & efforts to rip us off between 2007-2023 


 - We are executing everyone from the North Bay area in Ontario Canada & everyone that relocated + plus those connected within & outside the borders of Canada 

Patricia Jean Quinn Houuser 

Chris Amond

Brad Moore

Darcy Black

Ethan Trickey

If you met us within the borders of Canada between 1980's-2023 or connected with people outside of Canada after having done so or if you operated with or at the three Ontario labs between that time frame your getting killed between 2023-2025 & before 2026 even if you go on the run or into hiding internationally 


Rod & Marie Savage Bennett & son Jordan plus Amy Toms Bennett with three children & extended family + those connected within & outside of a Canada   

IF YOU WERE MENTIONED --------------------------

If you were mentioned by the past & on-going 24 hour rotational teams with volunteers & guests flown in & driven in operating with persons & groups through different online, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication

We are having you executed in response & retaliation even if you were not contacted as your indirect innocent bystandards or those that operated voluntarily or involuntarily

WE ARE ADMINISTERING A CORPORATE DRAFT ---------------------------------------------------------

As of March 1, 2023 the counter attacks involving mass executions begin between that day & June 1, 2023 as a first wave of attacks against the three clusters of Ontario labs & their past & present 24 hour rotational teams & volunteers + guests flown in & driven 


30 YEAR + RISK --------------------------------------------

People drafted are having to risk 30 + years in prison or solitary confinement  

If these people drafted do not kill for us their family & extended family plus others while we kidnap or use detachable wireless technology plus look-a-likes to replace then hold down while we drain assets & financial as they & those connected disappear 

We will just use sledge hammers or other weapons on these targets brains if they refuse to operate under a private Corporate draft order now between 2023-2025 & before 2026 



You operated at the one Ontario lab cluster housing the sourced full body drone robot puppet ventriloquist device I was lured in (for something else) and permanently connected to in order to be connected so those operating at on 24 hour rotational teams with guests flown in & driven in could see what I am looking at & hear what I hear while being able to monitor my thoughts, imagination, memory 


George W Bush --------------------------------------------

The people that operated at the one Ontario lab that operated with the United States & attempted to sound like & even include Bush Jr are going to end up deceased with him & everyone connected alongside those that demanded I, Sydney Nic was to be a disabilities handicap ret*red handicap homosexual trans person that takes it in the sh*t

Americans & American - international celebrities & high profile citizens including athletes, actors, actresses, directors, artists & musicians or bands + 

We are killing every cast & crew within the IMDb database plus any investors, executives plus anyone in connected industry including fashion internationally for operating to brutally execute us using their works between 2012-2023 after negatively affecting us between 1990's-2011

The persons operating at & with the one Ontario lab that compared me to people & characters cost those persons & those connected their lives as I am making sure they all die before 2026 now in 2023 in retaliation 

Johnny Depp the Actor-Musician is one of multiple persons loosing their lives in response

"Do I look like a what to be of Depp or someone that had or does exist & or a character that was portrayed" - Sydney 

Tony Hawk. Using Tony Hawk + others to destroy our lives & change our interests plus what we think, imagine & remember

"Every person vocally mentioned at the one Ontario lab to me or through my mouth are targets we are executing internationally" - Sydney 

I, Sydney am 100% Anti-American now in 2023. I am also 100% Anti-Canadian over the 2012-2023 terror attacks & demands before & after 2012 to demand I was to be a disabilities handicap fagg*t person when I see myself firmly as

"Do I,  Sydney look like "inset here" the second & your feeling misled by illegally spying on & through me based on your opinions & others expecting I am a fraud as I am nothing like your expectations or your & their opinions. Your taken aback & you want to use my body 24/7 since 2012 to show me how it feels to be someone else while forcefully controlling my body manufacturing me to be different than I naturally was & am" - Sydney 

A straight male or lesbian female since birth

No allergies. No disability - handicap. No medical conditions. Noted injuries the one Ontario lab caused between 1990's-2023

The one Ontario lab cannot cover up their 24 hour terror attacks carried out between 2012-2023 & efforts taken between 1980's-2011 



Everyone mentioned, contacted & connected are loosing their lives alongside those that operate at the one lab in a counter attack

The above counter attacks are going to be administered between March 1, 2023 - June 1, 2023 while further efforts will be taken after June 1, 2023 until every party (person) involved & connected is executed 

The location has a selection of different males & females taking turns speaking near, into & through the full body drone robot puppet ventriloquist device vocally speaking for me to make me sound however they sound however than my own voice

Male - masculine voices

Female - feminine voices

Androgynous - male - female balanced voices 

Different tones, pitch, decibel levels & from normal & relaxed, calm & chill to aggressive, erratic, unpredictable then multiple styles applies & efforts to speak in questions to people around my body or by speaking demanding questions into my skull - ears & through my mouth to make it seem like I am talking to myself or asking myself questions & ansering them or just asking & saying nothing in the process making me sound insane to people physically around my body 

Literally persons operating at the one lab trying to control my body wirelessly fooling people around my body into thinking it is me speaking when it is someone at the one lab talking to me, for me & commenting near the wireless device   



Oppressive Canadian theives

I, Sydney expect everyone living that operated working at or out of the Canadian Parliament & Provincial Governments including Municipal locations or & all Government locations killed 

This is for heat the parasitic, vile, peice of sh*t Canadians did to my body between 1985-2023 including 2012-2023 from the one Ontario lab with those within the borders of Canada & United States + those outside of both countries between that time frame 

Remember each material purchased item I, Sydney had daily between 1985 September 1, 1985 - March 1, 2023. Dictated & forced purchases & decisions minus consciously chosen daily then the rare gifted items between 1985-2002 & separately my early 2000's settlement over Rue Cypress then earnings & earned credentials + developed portfolio between 2002-2023



This is not relevant to the Havana International 3+ case involving sourced full drone puppet ventriloquist devices used to monitor & or monitor & control our bodies 24/7 as robots 

Is the case over birth gender or gender expression & or details pertaining to race, culture, belief-religion, education level, social & economic fluctuations 



This has been a 25+ year attack on our family in North America & internationally 


This is a full-scale attack on us by the Canadians & Americans wirelessly 

If at 37 I admitted knowing what a wack a mole children's game was then in prior years then I wouldn't state it was adult in nature

Security protection by force + a cut of business profits 

So an area: 

We are & have always associated with US-European Mafia & the Bevarian Illuminti 

Everyone that is not connected Dr Carly Koslov & family in the United States - Internationally

The Canadians with Americans tried using wireless interrogation plus forced trans male & trans female hormone replacement treatment therapy & forced sterilization to attack our family expecting to claim we consciously chose this yet they used multiple medical professionals, clinics, hospitals + areas of Government then persons or groups 

The one Ontario lab despite Rue Cypress Montreal & Alpha decided to discredit earned credentials, our portfolios, travel records & our life cycle of experiences between ages 0-6, 7-11, 12-17, 18-25+ in favor of their controlled rewritten versus based on assumptions, expectations, demands & false claims against facts

CANADA ------------------------------------------------------


2/3 of the 38 million plus those connected are not welcome as we are using the labs efforts to order us gone off their planet in a private high court trial. 1990's-2000's & 2012-2023

EASTERN CANADA ---------------------------------------

The responsible Ontario targets are getting killed between 2023-2025 & before 2026

Targets loosing their lives in Eastern Canada 

Ottawa & area targets 

Kanata & area targets 

Areas in Quebec 

Renfrew & area targets including Petawawa, Pembroke, Cobden, Eganville, Foymont, Dacre-Shamrock, Arnprior

NORTHERN ONTARIO -----------------------------------

Targets loosing their lives in Northern Canada

North Bay & area Ontario

Trout Creek 


Sudbury & area Ontario

New Liskard Ontario 

Timmins & Hearst to Kenora including Thunder Bay & Sault St Marie

SOUTHERN ONTARIO -----------------------------------

Targets loosing their lives in Southern Canada


Greater Toronto area 

Couburg - Napanee

Kingston - 1000 Islands 

Oshawa - Peterborough 




London-Windsor-La Salle

Niagara Region - Erie to Port Dover 

CANADA ------------------------------------------------------


2/3 of the 38 million plus those connected are not welcome as we are using the labs efforts to order us gone off their planet in a private high court trial. 1990's-2000's & 2012-2023

Areas of Canada contacted & connecting which operated with the Ontario labs

Those that flew in

Those that were contacted by those that operated at the labs agreeing to operate voluntarily & involuntarily 

British Columbia 



Yukon Territory 

North West Territories



Nova Scotia

News Brunswick 

Due to being denied right to trial with media between mid to late 1990's-early 2000's into 2011 & again daily between 2012-2023 with recorded & documented evidence + traced offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication we are now executing key & connected targets across Canada 

Targets are either getting killed 


Detachable devices & a network 


Look-a-like replacements with detachable or executions 


The persons that physically entered the Ontario labs appear in court immediately or they are dacung this fate while we use recorded & documented evidence to administer your techniques against us back onto you plus ours & escalated while we keep you alive in this wireless war entaping the human experience as a locked in catatonic prison within the body for these labs selfish demands & fun at the expense of other human children, teenagers & adults of different factors 

GLOBAL GROWING EPIDEMIC ---------------------

Locked in syndrome manufactured wirelessly. This is a war & crime against humanity & human-civil rights affecting first & third world countries internationally


Dr Sydney Nicola R Bennett 


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