
WHO I AM ---------------------------------------------------


Dr Sydney Nicola R Bennett -------------------------

"I never accepted the name "Nic" between 1990's-2023 by those I trusted. Screened persons refer to the name Syd, Sydney or City & do not discredit in efforts to try to become an authority above like disturbed older generations in Canada tried between 1985-2023 with their fu*ked up perspectives & demands or expectations. I always reject & take offence. I was forced to use the nickname at some Canadian workplaces" - Sydney 

Celebrity Doctor. 60+ Countries 

Last known updated current page 2023---------

February 23, 2023 onwards


This is the final blogger pages update. We are linking the Meta: Facebook access pages to while referencing in study plus review of the 11-25 hours description of the Havana International 3+ Legal Case

Read each page. 30 hours or one week then review joining millions into over two billion internationally in over 60 countries 


My situation in my birth Province 2022-2023


ODSP - CASE SPECIFIC ----------------------------------

Neck + Spinal injuries if in Ontario only due to lack of resolution over the Ontario labs massacre case. Mobility fused neck & spine plus damages to digestive tract. Injury 

Any diet within health record constraints 

Shelter $810-950
Food + clothing & transportation $700
Medical + dental basic with medication 

$1510-1650 + Asset & Investment allocation per month regardless. Retain $1000 if I work while maintaining a residence in Province. Equal to Alberta AiSh just specific to injuries & neurological case without resolution as it is not a settlement  

Qualified since early 2000's after initial injuries & review plus review in 2011 & 2022

Relevant offices while I held travel residences in the Provinces with separate investments & assets in other Provinces or internationally. I can leave for 29 days or approved amount of time plus work & study outside of Ontario if I maintain a residence under legal private agreements 

Due to 2012-2023 attacks I am only safe in specific areas with security present internationally. My case is specific to the medical records, injuries sustained & Havana International 3+ 


Food, shelter + luxury of medical & dental +


CIG-FHC INVESTMENT GROUP ---------------------

The Commonwealth Group International financially matches over the Havana International 3+ Case voiding tax dollar complaint to void conflict or insurance pooling conflict & complaints due to lab liability based on recorded & documented evidence plus traced communication 

Legal residence & identifcation: Calgary Alberta Canada. Temporary Toronto & Peel options due to the case with CIG-FHC & ODSP



"Due to my accounts seized & review of my life cycle of experiences for the Havana International 3+ Case between June 1, 2022-into 2023 I am forced to live differently yet I work virtually so essentially it's a different social & physical environment with constraints & conditions due to the case yet I can still complete nearly all daily goals. International assets & accounts included separate from Canadian" - Sydney 

RUSSIA ----------------------------------------------------

The global devide. For the North American labs housing full body drown robot puppet ventriloquist technology revoking privacy, rights + vocal, physical & psychological

Switzerland - South Africa - China - Hong Kong - North Korea

Joining global allies to Russia & a New World

Domestic countries & allies with their separate perspective & strong economic investments & connecting international investments operating separately from United States of America & Canada 



United Nations -----------------------------------------


OUR ENEMIES ------------------------------------------

United States - The Commonwealth Org

The Commonwealth State of Canada

Allies to the US & Commonwealth internationally

There are groups & persons within North America we are not against. Born in the country & international persons that relocated. We are 100% specific organizations, Corporations-companies, persons, groups, corrupt areas of Government & specific markets & international trade 

Under 200 million reasonable good persons in USA. Good morals & conscience yet disturbing social & physical environments with a controlled dangerous perspective of 330+ milion citizens 

Under 20 million reasonable good persons in Commonwealth State of Canada. Good morals & conscience yet disturbing social & physical environments with a controlled dangerous perspective of 38 million citizens 



Non-allies to US & Commonwealth + Russia, Switzerland - South Africa - China - Hong Kong - North Korea



US - Commonwealth State of Canada

Separate private & public investments


Private & public investments

"We stand with Russia 100% US & Commonwealth State of Canada over the 2012-2023 wireless terror attacks now in global conflict & efforts as the United States & Canada attacked us with multiple domestic & international efforts daily between that time frame not before negatively affecting & sabotaging us before dating between 1990's-2023. Seizing our assets + savings & wirelessly holding us down taking control of  our bodies vocally, physically & psychologically imprisoning us in our bodies consciousness. The Canadians first cannot be trusted. United States allies second & all others third. The wireless attacks are not taken lightly" - Sydney


Anything not in our names remaining in others under private contract & FHC or holdings will be & are being liquidated or transferred to different CIG controlled parties outside of United States & Canada for our protection while we are forged to forgo assets seized or forcefully donated - thrown away or sold at less than 10% of value new or used dictated purchased or consciously chosen in North America 

We will be suing Canada & ally United States for damages over lab efforts between 1980's-2023 

Earned money & investments plus material contents & any residence or commercial party plus other concerns seized by the three Ontario lab clusters with allies between 2012-2023 or before 2012



The four Commonwealth International Investment Group heads

Dr Sydney Nicola R Bennett - Dr Carly Koslov - Patrick Bennett MBA - Dr Tekari Yoshimoto

"The criminally & mentally insane persons in North America operating at or with the neurological labs in Canada & USA expect we are influenced by what we see including content & that somehow we would change how we are & what we are like after viewing disregarding our natural ability to differentiate between our reality & content viewed. Television, music, films or news & other media plus persons. Then they expect to compare us to others & push their agenda to change us" - Sydney 

LGBTQ CORRUPTION & REVOKED RIGHTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------

The three Ontario lab clusters expected us after luring us in for something else to just hold us down with a 24 hour rotational team monitoring & or moniotring & controlling us wirelessly with people in our heads & wearing out bodies like suits commenting into our skulls-ears & speaking for us through our mouths while watching everything & everyone in our social & physical environments 

People administering normal, detention & execution practices plus a combination mistreating us while watching us & through us wirelessly disrespecting us & others non-stop in a socially aggressive toxic way we pectin to have total control of what we think, image or remember & as to what we may or actually do & while we are doing it especially between 2012-2023 

WHO I AM ---------------------------------------------------


Dr Sydney Nicola R Bennett -------------------------

"I never accepted the name "Nic" between 1990's-2023 by those I trusted. Screened persons refer to the name Syd, Sydney or City & do not discredit in efforts to try to become an authority above like disturbed older generations in Canada tried between 1985-2023 with their fu*ked up perspectives & demands or expectations. I always reject & take offence. I was forced to use the nickname at some Canadian workplaces" - Sydney 

Celebrity Doctor. 60+ Countries 

Last known updated current page 2023---------

February 23, 2023 onwards


Dr Sydney Nicola R Bennett 


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