Counter Attacks. Toronto Shelters - H.I.3


October 12, 2023

We are 100% against Canada, Canadians & the Ontario Government over their shelters & neurological technology lab location's

Canada is the worst country on earth with a false sense of reality & public status quo upheld while few enjoy rights, privacy, freedoms & enough earned money to exist


M.S.P Modern Separatist Group

We are taking high offence to the Canadian Greater Toronto area Homeless Shelters that the one Ontario neurological technology labs, North Bay


Every person that visually seen or vocally spoke to Dr Sydney N Bennett at the First Homes Shelters on 5800 Young Street & at 702 Kennedy Road are getting killed for what the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay

November 9, 2022 - May 3, 2023

May 4, 2023 - October 12, 2023

We want all the past - current regular staff, security staff, temporary staff, visiting Police, Firefighters & EMS staff then others including all past-present clients killed between 2023-2025

The staff & everyone connected are incredibly insane highly offensive & caught recorded operating with those working at & with the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay

The retarded Niger butch women & fu*ked up non-white or white trash losers at these cracking shelters are all getting killed wirelessly or they are going to have a bullet in the head or & fractured necks for operating to force Dr Sydney N Bennett between 2022-2023

Disrespecting Dr Sydney N Bennett to ones face & threatening behavioural contracts & mistreating Syd like one is a fu*king retard all of a sudden while you operate with the team working at the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay to hold Syd down in your cracking head low life homeless shelter like it is a prison despite no criminal record for having lived in & worked in Calgary & other areas prior to August 15, 2023

We have mapped all employees & contractors plus those connected that work or worked at First Homes shelters in Greater Toronto area including family & extended family. We are ending all their lives for what they did to our family between 2022-2023 while others in other areas of Canada ate getting killed for their involvement between 1980's-2011 & again between 2012-2022


Doug Ford will be loosing it's life over this with family & extended family then those connected past & present

Jon Tory will be loosing it's life over this with family & extended family then those connected past & present

Olivia Chow will be loosing it's life over this with family & extended family then those connected past & present

Toronto General Hospital

The people that sent Dr Sydney N Bennett to 5800 Young Street in November 2022 at the hospital after Sydney visited from the Toronto Pearson Airport are getting shot dead for operating with & at the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay to attempt at destroying Dr Sydney Bennett's body & life every second while claiming it was brain trauma - yet no scans as they refused to offer any testing or scans & forced Dr Sydney Bennett into a shelter for nothing while operating with the North Bay lab against Sydney's will

Stupid Niger black disrespectful pieces of sh!t in Toronto disrespecting white educated people of wealth, class & respect for not them for their own fun & enjoyment

We are ordering these stupid pieces of sh!t off the planet in a counter attack against them & the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay

We hate Toronto. We hate Ontario. We hate Canada. We hate disabled persons & supporters. We are 100% against Canada & all Canadians especially black persons

Mistreating our family like we are slum trash street losers at the bottom that should not be allowed to do or have a while lot in life

These trash Niger want to be Canadians in Canada that belong on a small island poisoned to death or dying in Africa of aids expect to exist in North America acting superior to upscale, established white families of European background 

We hate Canadians that are not all white specific European middle to upper class educated respectful persons. Trash or Niger while the Natives have their reserves - ah, go fu*k off to your land titles & don't talk to us 


M.S.P Modern Separatist Group & Dr Mary Koslov expects all these pieces of sh!t in the Greater Toronto area knocked into neurological technology networks & brutally killed or bullets in their heads or their necks fractured 

Fu*k you to every Canadian Government, area of Private Sector & group in existence 

Fu*k you Canada!

Canada is the most disrespectful country on earth! Officially 


Stealing our identity?

We are taking all Government ID & documents then personal assets & information of everyone operating at & with the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay & Toronto shelter network & destroying all their images, characters, credibility, reputation & giving all their information up destroying them in over 60+ countries globally in retaliation 

This includes all banking accounts & online accounts with acess passwords given up to the global population while tour privacy & rights are revoked permanently

Counter Attacks. Toronto Shelters  - H.I.3 


Dr Mary K.S & M.S.P have vowed to take these Canadians lives regarded in retaliation

Trish Housser & Brandon Minor of North Bay in Ontario Canada plus a lot of others Canada wide

The two families & children are getting killed with everyone connected past - present over the 2012-2023 wireless terror attacks on Dr Sydney N Bennett

Evert person vocally mentioned, referenced & those contacted operating with those operating at the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay are loosing their lives now between 2023-2025 regardless of arguments in response & retaliation

All family members, extended family members & those connected past - present ages 0-17 & those ages 18-100+ & those since turned ages 18+


Sydney Bennett - Company 


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