World War 3. Global Intelligence War


World War 3. Global Intelligence War

September 29, 2023

We have officially declared war against our enemies that operated at the responsible neurological technology labs negatively affecting Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett

M.S.P Modern Separatist Group & M.C.G Murder City Gang

After failed negotiations to settle & unman between 1990's-2005, 2006-2011 & again between 2012-2023 we are not even going to bother with an effort to force a court case now after we were denied right to trial in Canada between 1990's-2023

Operating handlers

Past - present 24 hour rotational teams with volunteers & guests flown in & driven in operating within & outside the borders & airspace of Canada between 1980's-2023

Gender & sexuality variants 


Persons & groups connected, contacted & connecting operating through different offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication within & outside the borders & airspace of Canada between 1980's-2023

Every person that operated physically at the responsible neurological technology labs are facing bullets in their heads - skulls or fractured necks & or they will be knocked into neurological technology networks & monitored - controlled ages 0-17 & those ages 18-100+ & those that since turned ages 18+

Gender & sexuality variants 

Global gang - mob intelligence war over the responsible neurological technology labs that leaked information from the heads of Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett & over the efforts to negatively affect the two daily 24/7 between mainly 1990's-2011 then the rape-torture-terror attacks on the two wireless between 2012-2023

We are executing everyone that was mentioned vocally near, into or through the sourced wireless neurological technology equipment housed at the responsible Canadian neurological technology threat labs 

Gender & sexuality variants 


People in Government past - present. People in Private Sector then different groups & persons that operated at or with the responsible neurological technology labs including medical & dental health professionals or scientists, organizations, corporations, companies, athletes, persons in media, actors, actresses, bands, musicans, dancers & artists or all others including undereducated & the educated straight heterosexual or LGBTQ2+ lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer 2+ then persons considered normal & healthy then those disabled - handicap & those suffering from medical health conditions 

The responsible persons that wanted & tried to manufacture & drone robot puppet control Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett to submit to being docile wirelessly controlled homosexuals then attempt at making them seem like they suffer from mental disability handicaps by force when the two are perfectly normal educated straight heterosexual people are loosing their lives for their efforts at the responsible neurological technology labs prior to & post 2012 

Over 20 million targets in the power in numbers strategies that collectively operated with & at the responsible neurological technology labs between 1980's-2023 are loosing their lives operating against our global grid of over 500 million connected to over 2 billion persons in over 25 countries of over 8 billion people alive today in 2023 

PT Group - CIG


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