Counter attacks - H.I.3 Case Sept 24, 2023


September 24, 2023

Counter attacks - H.I.3 Case Sept 24, 2023


Brain research case. H.I.3

Negligence with concerns strict policies, standards & practices were ignored during these tests & trail leading to a neuro-attack 

We are for fully rounding up all responsible interests & accomplices for a court case over H.I.3 in Canada first now as of September 24, 2023 

Every person involved & connected will answer for themselves based on recorded & documented evidence collected in Montreal including reached collected offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication 


We are not counter attacking the innocent in North America

The goal is to leally & privately take down the threat labs & bring justice to the situation by taking down everyone that operated harming the innocent

Past - present 24 hour rotational teams with volunteers guests flown in & driven

We are not against the Canadian or US Government. We are against the corrupt persons within both Governments past & present then those in the private sector then persons & groups responsible

The Police & Government in North America either agree to assist M.S.P in Montreal with connected global grid in taking all responsible parties down legally or we use private security options to force every responsible party into court or to settle privately

Everyone that operated between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023

The criminal charges each responsible person is liable for is well documented & recorded by a Montreal location during investigations between 1990's-2023 described accurately in the 11-25 hours & Blogger pages description of the H.I.3 case alongside evidence with 10 terabyte hard drives created documenting everything between September 1, 1985-September 1, 2023 then every moment after September 1, 2023 on-going daily

Modern Separatist Group M.S.P

Paid investigators doubling with main lives

Drafted persons forced non-neurological  tech & neurological tech connected persons in networks with main lives

Drafted persons are Governed by M.S.P drafts with drafted persons watching over other drafted persons which maintain the investigation through offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication tracing & connecting everyone connected, contacted & those connected past - present

If those drafted do not follow orders alongside paid persons they are reprimanded by others drafted which are controlled by other draft groups connecting to M.S.P in Montreal

These people have to continue their daily tasks outside of their main lives in their investigations then follow through on forcing people to come clean on record using different advanced strategies & groups of people which can led to forcing them to a Police service to give up people & to come clean for their involvement or executions if we cannot press charges & sue for damages then have them incarcerated for what they are responsible & documented - recorded carrying out at anytime between 1980's-2023


Luring innocent people in & connecting their bodies to sourced full body drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology to be illegally monitored & or monitored & controlled

Innocent children, teenagers & adults

Innocent animals, insects & mammals

In this case it is over the attacks & revoked rights of Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett

Efforts to spy on & through 24/7 wirelessly

Efforts to control their bodies vocally, physically & psychologically wirelessly

Efforts to administer normal, detention & execution or a combination of practices

Rape-torture-terror attacks on the bodies of both Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett between 2012-2023 regardless of where the two were & what they were doing or intending to do

Temporary or permanent injuries caused in the process plus pain, restraint, restrictions, in or out of context social sabotage disabling their ability to speak to send their voice through their mouth for them at the location housing the wireless equipment illegally connected to their bodies

Damage to skeleton & internal organs including brain & eyes then genitalia & digestive tract, muscles, lungs-breathing & entire body head to toe



Responsible persons categories


Operating handlers   

Recorded & documented at the responsible neurological technology threat labs

Wanted on indictable offemces or felony charges 

25 years to life sentencing 

- Option to shoot to kill with Police, Intelligence or Private Security 

10-24 years sentencing 

- Option to connect their bodies using detachable neurological technology to force them into court & review memories 

5-9 years sentencing 

- Option to force them into court & potentially connect their bodies using detachable neurological technology to force them into court & review memories 

90 days - 4 years sentencing

- Option to force them into court 

1-4 weeks or up to 1 year house arrest sentencing 

- Option to force them into court 


Accomplices operating with the responsible neurological technology threat labs

Wanted on indictable offemces or felony charges 

25 years to life sentencing 

- Option to shoot to kill with Police, Intelligence or Private Security 

10-24 years sentencing 

- Option to connect their bodies using detachable neurological technology to force them into court & review memories 

5-9 years sentencing 

- Option to force them into court & potentially connect their bodies using detachable neurological technology to force them into court & review memories 

90 days - 4 years sentencing

- Option to force them into court 

1-4 weeks or up to 1 year house arrest sentencing 

- Option to force them into court 


Victims Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett 

At times daily between 1980's-1999 & again between 2000-2011

Daily between 2012-2023 

Sexual & non-Sexual abuse, harassment, assault, rape, torture, terror-terrorism, forceful confinement - entrapment 

Uttering threats towards & on behalf 

Conspiracy to commit murder - murder plots 

Attempted murder 

Non-stop psychological warfare into skull - ears & through the mouth 

Bashing, trashing, disrespecting, inflicting mild, moderate to severe & extreme pain

Immaturely mocking & making fun of to provoke & aggravate riding like a piece of sh!t to torment using hundreds into this and of techniques while using a power in numbers strategy with hundreds into thousands of executes to justify 

Normal practices 

Seamless handling unmanned monitoring while commenting supervising every thought, imagination & memory access in mental function then vocal & physical decision or while partially to almost fully taking over the body controlling in comedy from basic to mid level & advanced 

Detention practices 

Psychological warfare into skull - ears. Physically restraining & causing mild, moderate to severe & extreme pain then temporary to permanent injuries in the process with no explanation for fun & enjoyment at the expense of either Dr Carly K.S Bennett or Dr Nicolas Bennett & that of those physically around their bodies then connecting with those around their physical bodies directly or through others to cover it up claiming the two are want to be's of themselves pretending to be something they are not suffering from mental delusions or conditions all of a sudden 

Mild to violent contraction & expansion of internal organs & muscle - limb use to inflict pain aggressively or subtly in a mild way governing them in a painful dangerous way for fun & enjoyment at their expense 

Violent dangerous breathing, restricting breathing causing oxygen deprivation & choking then aggressive dangerous behaviours to cause pain & restraint, remains out, reprimand & rip apart to force them into sitting still or to be docile controlled manufactured human beings not allowing them to mentally or vocally & physically function for themselves while operating their bodies against their will locking in their consciousness as drone robots 

Constant rape, torture & terror while administering use of static & video clips then efforts to steal their attention so they cannot focus harassing & distracting while physically assaulting revoking natural mutli-task mental & physical ability  

Aggressive acting out behaviours used with themes & people singing or aing talking into the skull-ears & through the mouth while taking control of limbs & facial muscles with no explanation 

Forcing Dr Carly K.S Bennett or Dr Nicolas Bennett to almost or actually urinate or pass stool, pass gas by forcing them to stool wallow to much air then inflicting pain on different internal organs & muscles head to toe regardless of what they are doing or intending toe do 

Forcefully coughing in different ways contracting & expanding muscles & internal organs while making different sounds to disrespect as to cause pain & injuries 

Shoving & triping either Dr Carly K.S Bennett or Dr Nicolas Bennett if they go perform any waking task while criticizing & questioning them disrespecting non-stop compressing skeleton & inflicting pain on different areas of the body head to toe 

Punching the internal organs & skeleton head to toe while causing pain & injuries within with no explanation 

Pushing on internal organs & skeleton almost causing fractures using a these old method to inflict mild, moderate to severe & extreme pain then temporary & permanent injuries in the process 

Talking or screaming into the skull & ears to distract natural thinking in mental function causing temporary & permanent injuries in the process 

Draining energy through the techniques & revoking ability to chew & swallow food or liquids  

Execution practices

Increased detention practices almost causing execution - death 

Combination of practices 

An advanced combination of basic to mid level & advanced techniques then efforts to justify 

Supervisors & operating handlers operating at the main device 

Administering techniques to supervise & give permission then to oversee & control what Dr Carly K.S Bennett or Dr Nicolas Bennett are thinking, imagining or remembering & what they expect to do physically monitoring wirelessly taking over control using the above techniques to override locking in their consciousness to take vocal, physical & psychological control of their bodies regardless of where they are & what they are doing & intending to doing daily 24/7 


Normal monitoring while sleeping

People lightly connecting disturbing peace in sleep wirelessly

Sleep detention practices 

People administering often painful torture & terror techniques while Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett are asleep inflicting pain causing temporary to permanent injuries 


Karen Fellici legal representation of PT Group - CIG with Rue Cypress Montreal - Neurological Technology & connected interests expect to administer law in Canada against those operating within & outside at the one Ontario lab & other responsible labs for what they carried out against Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023 

The Police services & M.S.P private security have legal right to shoot to kill anyone recorded & documented operating the bodies of Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett 

If you vocally spoke into the skulls - ears (into the heads) of either Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett or if you tried speaking for them through their mouths & controlling their bodies your getting a bullet in your head regardless even if we can first have you charged criminally, sued for financial damages & incarcerated 

Sending your voice into the skull - ears (into the heads) or through the mouths of either Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett causing pain & temporary or permanent injuries while it is sabotage from seamless in context to out of context 

This is a criminal offence to do this once. To do this multiple times with multiple people 24/7 involves compounded criminal offences causing bodily harm 


Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett are 100% against every human being that operated physically at the responsible neurological technology locations housing the wireless equipment illegally connected to their bodies & anyone connected plus those they contacted or mentioned & contacted outside these locations between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023 

Administering law & private efforts including executions 

Bullets in the head
Fractured necks
Neurological networks to lock down, review then force into court then execute on prison release 

Every person involved & connected are facing long-term prison sentencing or executions between 2023-2025 & prior to 2026 while any that escape will not walk globally past 2028 as we will be taking them down legally & privately 

There are no secrets or a "wink" involved at Rue Cypress Montreal - Neurological Technology labs with connected interests including clients or M.S.P & M.C.G pertaining to Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett between 2012-2023 or prior to 2012 dating between 1980's-2011

The responsible neurological technology labs were not legally or privately allowed to lure in either Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett for something else & permanently connect their bodies to own as wireless prisoner drone robot slaves yet they did & this is all recorded & documented while all interests that operated physically at & with the responsible location's are caught & exposed globally between 2016-2023 after having been with others exposed privately globally prior to 2016 of January  

Everyone involved & connected between 1980's-2023 have to be wary in public or at private residences then professional workplaces or private properties that a draft does not connect their bodies to neurological technology for review to force them into court or bullets in their heads regardless of who they are or positions held in their lives & who they knew, met or could contact  


PT Group - CIG


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