We are at War. Officially. August 12, 2022


We are at War. Officially. August 12, 2022


The North American neurological technology labs refused Dr Nicolas R Bennett's negotiations daily between 2012-2023 with multiple leading to over 1000 attempts in advanced strategy to nothing

We officially declare war against responsible parties whole a safe public status quo us upheld under laws, law of traditional & advanced war 

The innocent will be void as casualties while the guilty are brought to justice by force publicly & privately 

European Union - Australian - Quebec + International Allies 



While public global conflict is traditional 

World War 3. Advanced intelligence war with no large infrastructure damage to the extend of 911 in New York City unless in a counter attack

You strike first then we counter strike at an elevated level


The rules of war, or international humanitarian law (as it is known formally) are a set of international rules that set out what can and cannot be done during an armed conflict. The main purpose of international humanitarian law (IHL) is to maintain some humanity in armed conflicts, saving lives and reducing suffering


We are utilizing current & newly developed advanced multi-billion crematoriums using a safe environmentally focus approach to burn the bodies of the guilt to ash

Some of us in the Bevarian Sect wear the ashes of the guilty

+ 1111 318 333 666 -

A crematorium or crematory is a venue for the cremation of the dead. Modern crematoria contain at least one cremator (also known as a crematory, retort or cremation chamber), a purpose-built furnace. In some countries a crematorium can also be a venue for open-air cremation. In many countries, crematoria contain facilities for funeral ceremonies, such as a chapel. Some crematoria also incorporate a columbarium, a place for interring cremation ashes

Multi-stage gas pollution control system's are utilized for environmental concerns 

Sir Charles William Siemens regenerative furnace made cremation a technical possibility

Prior to the Industrial Revolution, cremation could only take place on an outdoor, open pyre; the alternative was burial. In the 19th century, the development of new furnace technology and contact with cultures that practiced cremation led to its reintroduction in the Western world

The organized movement to instate cremation as a viable method for body disposal began in the 1870s. In 1869 the idea was presented to the Medical International Congress of Florence by Professors Coletti and Castiglioni "in the name of public health and civilization". In 1873, Professor Paolo Gorini of Lodi and Professor Lodovico Brunetti of Padua published reports or practical work they had conducted. A model of Brunetti's cremating apparatus, together with the resulting ashes, was exhibited at the Vienna Exposition in 1873 and attracted great attention, including that of Sir Henry Thompson, a surgeon and Physician to the Queen Victoria, who "returned home to become the first and chief promoter of cremation in England"

Meanwhile, Sir Charles William Siemens had developed his regenerative furnace in the 1850s. His furnace operated at a high temperature by using regenerative preheating of fuel and air for combustion. In regenerative preheating, the exhaust gases from the furnace are pumped into a chamber containing bricks, where heat is transferred from the gases to the bricks. The flow of the furnace is then reversed so that fuel and air pass through the chamber and are heated by the bricks. Through this method, an open-hearth furnace can reach temperatures high enough to melt steel, and this process made cremation an efficient and practical proposal. Charles's nephew, Carl Friedrich von Siemens perfected the use of this furnace for the incineration of organic material at his factory in Dresden. The radical politician, Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke, took the corpse of his dead wife there to be cremated in 1874. The efficient and cheap process brought about the quick and complete incineration of the body and was a fundamental technical breakthrough that finally made industrial cremation a practical possibility

The first crematorium in the West opened in Milan in 1876. By the end of the 19th century, several countries had seen their first crematorium open. Golders Green Crematorium was built from 1901 to 1928 in London and pioneered two features that would become common in future crematoria: the separation of entrance and exit, and a garden of remembrance


Simple wooden low cost crates with specific plastic wrapping to seal in biohazards

Panel vans
Box truck crates
Tractor trailer trailer crates

No body bags required as it is extra expense

Bodies in after apprehension & interrogation in diceased form

Driven to underground or public & private incinerators

Incinerated. 25-500 bodies per crate set between delivery of goods or inports-export crates in covert disguise with legal & private contacts

We can do 10,000 targets a day using this method

Geographic grid versus citizens & guests to area domestic or international

This is per country with land size of Ontario or Alberta using Canadian Provinces in land size as standard 


We are using advanced international offline, online, mobile & telephone channels in investigation to trace, track & monitor those that operated at the neurological technology labs that affected Dr Carly Koslov & Dr Nicolas R Bennett as everyone that operated at the two responsible neurological technology labs & with are loosing their lives or freedoms for not obtaining legal permission through Cypress International Biotechnology

Swarms to apprehend, interrogate then execute then incinerate

Cleaning of biohazards crates & rinse, repeated using highly trained paid & drafted international Cypress International Biotechnology agents & messengers 


Persons involved directly & those fonnected or operating outside the responsible neurological technology labs as voluntary or involuntary direct or indirect accomplices 

Every human being vocally mentioned by those operating at the two responsible neurological technology labs

We are having each person, family member & extended plus those they knew past - present ages 0-17 & ages 18-100+ are all going to be incinerated

Past - present 24 hour rotational teams with volunteers

Guests flown in & driven in

Persons & groups connecting & contacted plus those connected to in Canada, United States & internationally


Peter Rothschild & Tim Koslov in their late 70's-80's vowed to inact  international legal & private efforts to take down everyone that operated with & at the responsible neurological technology labs that had affected Dr Carly Koslov & Dr Nicolas R Bennett between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023

Denied eight to legal trial between mid to late 1990's-2011 & again between 2012-2023 with the neurological technology equipment used to argue over recorded & documented evidence collected by Cypress International Biotechnology - Montreal while using the raw & professional edits of the 11-25 hour description of the H.I.3 Case backed up in over 1000 ways intermationally in PDF form available on Meta: Facebook & the Blogger pages publicly

We are taking down every target that operated at the two responsible neurological technology locations using groups in different countries operating with Cypress International Biotechnology - Europe - Australia - Quebec

Legal & private take downs covertly

This is happening if the bodies of Dr Carly Koslov & Dr Nicolas R Bennett are connected to permanent full body Havana syndrome causing wireless drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology used to monitor & or monitor & control their bodies 24/7



Rothschild - Bennett 


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