Read Everything - Conclusion


H.I.3 Case 

Read everything. Gain an understanding 


July 24, 2023 Read Everything - Conclusion 

Feel free to read, review & refer back to all content in the 11-25 hours + blogger description of the overall H.I.3 Case

Keep organized so you do not re-read a post, page or photo album description the first time over-lapping including all working & broken links

The global public is welcome to read, copy & save as PDF to print or save & refer back to making copies or to review on the Meta: Facebook & blogger pages 

All international legal aspects are described with accuracy. All threads are based on the one lab using threats during tactile interrogation face to face & wirelessly using emotional & fill in the blank strategic questioning with mild, moderate to severe & extreme force causing temporary & permanent injuries


OUR CREW - WHO WE ARE ---------------------

Dr Sydney Bennett born 1985

The Canadian

Dr Carly Koslov born 1980

The American

Dr Tekari Yoshimoto born 1982

The Japanese

Nikki Koslov born 1985

The American

Patrick Rothschild B born 1976

The Swiss

Nicole Rothschild B born 1985

The Italian


Our crew was attacked between 2012-2023 with no explanation by the three clusters of Ontario labs operating against the labs we are connected to based in Montreal. Cypress International Biotechnology

Our global grid & petition with advanced drafts & audit investigations against their banding together power in numbers strategies with both operating through different international offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication

Enjoy the most progressive modernized approach to life & what we ate allowed to share publicly here. Intelligence basics included


The child like or teenage cool or not cool mentalities of the mentally & criminally insane persons that operated daily at & with the three clusters of Ontario labs daily between 2012-2023

These deranged insane low life psychopaths & theor guests that buy into their efforts which end up set up for failure look retarded 


Past & present 24 hour rotational teams 


PEOPLE & GROUPS THEY USE ----------------------

Guests flown in or driven in 

Persons & groups connected + contacted 

Used through different offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication 


We think it is absurd, pathetic & low of the three clusters of Ontario labs to attempt at using people & setting them up almost as scape goat fall persons transferring criminal liability so they can focus on targets which are innocent negatively affecting them their bodies, image, reputation, character, credibility & career or & family plus overall life, safety, well being & existence 

Using people as messenger mob groups or power in numbers strategies 

Using people's bodies as vessel drones with permanent or detachable neuro-technologies 

Fooling the innocent in this case even if they are or are not innocent in their separate lives privately, professionally or publicly past or present 


We have a grid & petition set up globally offline & online with Cypress International Biotechnology, CIG & areas of Government plus private sector 

It is like fishnets accidently & shroons in the Ocean & you come along leaving a paper trail by existing so if your involved your traced & as a red flag probable cause & international operations connect to solve such advanced equations. Conflict directed at us or others which do not negatively affect others or commit illegal, criminal & fraudulent acts to survive or for social & financial gain or status 

To purchase us as drone robot controlled people was absurd & highly offensive. Options are discussed in great detail as a legal & private remedy in H.I.3

Take the 30-60 hours & slowly thoroughly review & retain as it is very important  


Expecting we should not have rights, privacy or right to control our own bodies for ourselves vocally, physically & psychologically then the hundreds into thousands of excuses & opinions to justify which do not align with the life cycle of the real person 

Painful wireless executions for fun & enjoyment at our expense enslaving our bodies wirelessly


People involved operating at the three clusters of Ontario labs amongst different filtering teams expressing their opinions between everything else distracting & harassing illegal subject bodies expecting the subject to consciously forgo their own opinion & go with theirs & if they the subject do not submit there is hell to pay as the subject body rubs the lotion on the skin or it is reamed out, reprimanded after being ripped apart through detention in secret & if people around the body suspect the body is now mentally ill as those with the device will never take responsibility 

This mild monitoring is often escalated to different levels 24/7 


Rothschild - Bennett 


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