Disability Claims + Death


July 8, 2023

Retaliation efforts over H.I.3 three clusters of Ontario labs

Disability Claims + Death 

Attempts to claim the Savage - Bennett family were to be underdeveloped & disability-handicap

Mild autism - Aspergers Syndrome
Bi Polar 1-2
Other conditions  


Medical professionals

The four Bennett's are murdering the spies they cannot incarcerate permanently that operated at any of the three clusters of Ontario labs that tried to claim the four were disabled - handicap persons physically & mentally

Non-visible & or visible

Underdeveloped body parts


Non-medical professionals

The four Bennett's are murdering the spies they cannot incarcerate permanently that operated at any of the three clusters of Ontario labs that tried to claim the four were disabled - handicap persons physically & mentally

Non-visible & or visible

Underdeveloped body parts

Government persons 

The four Bennett's are murdering the spies they cannot incarcerate permanently that operated at any of the three clusters of Ontario labs that tried to claim the four were disabled - handicap persons physically & mentally

Non-visible & or visible

Underdeveloped body parts



The four Bennett's were lured in between 1980's-1990's by the one Ontario lab & permanently connected to sourced full body permanent Havana Syndrome causing drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology 

Lured in & tricked unsuspectingly then hooked up & sent on their way left unmanned unaware until over a year later unable to trace steps back to the responsible location 

Efforts taken between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & later 2012-2023 

The family lived on Catharine Drive Astorville East Ferris town ship south east of North Bay in Ontario Canada when they were hooked up prior to the moved west to Callan service just south of North Bay in 1998


Rod Paul Stargrat Bennett

Born 1953

- No non-visible or visible disability - handicap 

Normal fully developed brain, eyes & body parts head to toe. No allergies & no conditions unmanned outside of manufactured due to H.I.3

5'11" 175lbs male straight heterosexual conservative man  

Corrective eyeglasses since early to mid 1990's due to H.I.3 damages 

Survived minor kidney issues. Kidney stones

Education: High School diploma + Cambrian College Business 

Career: Business Owner, Market Trade Stocks & Grocery Sales Rep. Food Broker 

Interests: Sports & Outdoors


Marie Savage Bennett 

Born 1955 

- No non-visible or visible disability - handicap

Normal fully developed brain, eyes & body parts head to toe. No allergies & no conditions unmanned outside of manufactured due to H.I.3

5'2" 110-125lbs straight heterosexual conservative woman 

Corrective eyeglasses since early to mid 1990's due to H.I.3 damages 

Survived cancer twice 1990's-2010+

Education: High School diploma + Canadore College Business 

Career: Pharmacy Tech & Nurse

Interests: Gardening & Outdoors plus Education 


Jordan Savage Bennett 

Born 1983

- No non-visible or visible disability - handicap

Normal fully developed brain, eyes & body parts head to toe. No allergies & no conditions unmanned outside of manufactured due to H.I.3

5'8" 165lbs male straight heterosexual conservative man  

Corrective eyeglasses since early to mid 1990's due to H.I.3 damages then Lasik in 2018 20/20 vision yet still symptoms of people at the one lab blurring vision & squishing or touch eyes from the inside out

Noted femur & prosthetic hip (1998-2001) 

Education: High School diploma + Canadore College Business + Nipissing University then Athabasca + Industry spec 

Career: Chartered Accountant Professional

Interests: Sports & outdoors


Nic Savage Bennett 

Born 1985

- No non-visible or visible disability - handicap

Normal fully developed brain, eyes & body parts head to toe. No allergies & no conditions unmanned outside of manufactured due to H.I.3

5'10" 115-155lbs straight heterosexual conservative H.I.3 experiment gender   

Corrective eyeglasses since early to mid 1990's due to H.I.3 damages 

Noted & documented neck, spine & jaw injury (2003)

Education: High School diploma + Laurention University + Algonquin College with University transfer credits earned outside + Industry spec 

Career: Physicist & MD

Interests: Sports & outdoors plus arts + other 


Cypress International Biotechnology intervened investigating in the mid to late 1990's with Dr Mary Koslov (working from McGill University in Montreal) from California & Michael Persinger from Florida (working from Laurention University in Sudbury)

The four Bennett's consciously despite the H.I.3 Case are very strict socially & over laws, rights & geographic accepted adult social norms or customs 

The four have strong morals & standards plus a conscience each aware of others in different social & physical environments

Standards towards minors ages 0-17

Standards towards adults ages 18-100+

The four know the 11-25 hours & blogger pages inside out as it is their legal official profile with connected families internationally


The four Bennett's are not & were not Skeleton rack Frog to dissect using Havana Syndrome causing technologies just like others victims

Calculated damages being paid through investment strategies & demand to court order right to move & unman - store under Cypress International Biotechnology rules, policies, standards & law involve expectations to allow Dr Sydney Bennett with legal rep Karen Fellici to store the devices from the H.I.3 2012-2023 or prior efforts on one's own private property in a custom built military grade vault as a long-term solution with advanced 24/7 private security & monitoring  


The four Bennett's Rod, Marie, Jordan & Nic never required medication

Mental or physical condition based treatment for any reason at all or written or social coping mechanisms

While medication & written or different coping mechanisms work well with & for different persons with health conditions or after traumatic events in their lives the four do not require & never required

Mild temporary pain killers for surgery or an injury plus anti-inflammatory medication only if required then vaccinations including flu shots, USA-Canadian regulated then Covid 19 + Tetana

Mild Acne medication during teenage years Accurate 10 low strength not 20 or 30 administered if anything then diet-nutrition & exercise in well structured managed time management focused separate connecting lives


The four Bennett's had no invovlmenet in criminal, illegal or fraudulent activity including scams or cons within Canada, United States or internationally between birth - present time as a life choice

Records of employment + statements of capital gains & investment returns up to date in tax documents along with status & medical - dental records including H.I.3 as an affecting case the separately all records & documentation backed up with a life cycle of where-abouts plus dictated versus conscious decisions over H.I.3 daily

Receipts for all purchases recorded between 1980's-2023 plus no traffic records tickets or any illegal activity on legal roads internationally duet conscious unnamed life choices to respect laws + other persons minors ages 0-17 & those ages 18-100+ regardless of race, culture, religious belief, gender, gender expression, sexuality or education level & fluctuating social - financial status 



If hour hooked up there is a 90% chance you know as you can hear around your body & people speaking near the device or through it

If your left unmanned monitored it is harder to tell


Younger or you are not firmly & strictly

Not one person or group assumed & claims using false information they made up against fact available 

Dr Sydney Bennett with Dr Mary Koslov

Legal representation with CIG Karen Fellici


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