Wireless technology hooked up to people's brains used to terrorize & control them 

The Havana International 3+ 

This case covers a larger accumulated global problem that is being addressed with the most advanced technologies & practices 


Havana Syndrome causing full body drone robot puppet ventriloquist 

Frequency acoustic - electromagnetic pulse


WE ARE 100% AGAINST USA ------------------------

The United States cannot be trusted. Multiple global Governments cannot be trusted   
US - CIA is still as always devided between those invested & others that have morals & a conscience knowing as to what is right or wrong then those that are willing to disregard all laws, rights & carry out illegal, criminal, fraudulent inhumane & unethical acts on unsuspecting citizens they lure in for something else & connect to neurological research - technology   


C.I.A is caught operating with the three clusters of Ontario labs connecting with different person in the Canadian Government plus different organizations, Corporations - companies, persons, groups & interests involved in trade & different industry 

The Havana Syndrome causing full body drone robot puppet ventriloquist technology had been ordered from sources in United States enabling the Canadian labs to operate  



24 hour rotational teams:

- Supervisor teams 

Directing those controlling the subject bodies 

- Operating handlers 

The teams taking turns operating subject bodies taking vocal, physical & psychological control of the body 

24 hour rotational teams of regular frequent persons operating at the location

Volunteers connecting to operate at the location 

Guests flown in or driven in to operate at the location 


FOUR BENENTT'S - VICTIMS ------------------------

Savage - Bennett + Rothschild bloodline 

Rod Paul Bennett born 1953
Marie Savage Bennett born 1953
Jordan Raymond Bennett born 1983
Sydney Nic Bennett born 1985

Victims the three clusters of Ontario labs had lured in between 1980's-1990's & permanently connected to permanently connected to sourced full body drone puppet ventriloquist doll technology to illegally monitor & or monitor & control wirelessly

Unmanned - partially to fully manned 

Normal - detention - execution + combination practices 


Biotechnological spy weapons used. Frequency acoustic electromagnetic pulse full body drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll. Permanent or detachable devices used 


- Senses

See through eyes
Hear through ears
Monitor all senses 

- Physical

Currculation - blood flow
Lungs - breathing 
Muscles - facial muscles head to toe 
Internal organs & organ function 

- Vocal

Voice to skull - ears

Disabling voice to send their voice wirelessly through our mouths in any tone, style, pitch, decibel level - loudness, intensity in a masculine or femanine & or balanced gender effort 

- Mental State 

Thought reading


You walk up to the wireless device & there is a screen + the body is reverse imprinted as a copy in the equipment so you wear the body like a suit like your the skeletal structure with ability to touch all body parts from the inside out. All organs & take control of every aspect including the mental state: psychological thought, imagination & memory access through different painful dangerous or non-painful safer techniques 

Vast techniques used as covered in the H.I.3 Case descriptions in review with devices & recorded & documented evidence plus traced international correspondence. Offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication 

COVERT ANONYMOUS --------------------------------- 

The three Ontario labs operate Anonymously with 24 hour rotations & guests or volunteers expecting subject bodies + those connected they do not operate with will never know their identity yet Cypress International Biotechnology is accurate in tracing identity through different efforts 


Adjective. anon·​y·​mous ə-ˈnän-ə-məs. : not named or identified. the donor remained anonymous. : made or done by someone unknown

The people spying on & through monitoring our bodies wirelessly from unmanned to partially & almost fully manned did not want the subject bodies to know who they are or who they are connected to or who they contacted & operated with the subject body knew, met or knows or did not from their past or current life. Workplaces, public, private life & medical clinics, hospitals or multiple other areas as those operating at the lab often contact ptoperties & people before the subject arrives for total control 


RELATION OVER 2012-2023 -------------------------

10 million targets we are executing between 2023-2025 & before 2026

We are having everyone that had physically entered the three clusters of Ontario labs executed either in or outside of a prison cell or once they are released in response to operating to wirelessly operate & monitor our bodies while inflicting detention & execution or a combination of practices 

North Bay & Otawa Governments plus those involved in Greater Toronto area then specifics in Canadian Government 

We have over 10 million targets we are executing in response & retaliation over the 2012-2023 terror attacks 

Jenny Kennedy alongside Patricia Jean Quinn Houser of then North Bay in Ontario, Canada with everyone the two met for operating at the one North Bay & area lab. Family, extended family plus persons they met between birth - 2023 are getting killed along with everyone else documented & recorded operating physically at any of the three Ontario labs between 2012-2023 or prior to 2012 dating between 1980's-2011

Even if we can press charges, Sue for financial damages & have each person & accomplices connected incarcerated we are having them killed using different international groups & a Corporate draft process 


The persons drafted investigate & execute targets or we murder those connected ages 0-17 & those ages 18-100+ 

We use detachable neurological intervention if required plus high level training to carry out covert kill missions in private security intelligence 

Drafted persons & groups carry out missions or others drafted execute the close then them while destroying their lives & isolating them before they submit to maintaining a regular life & double life as a drafted investigator with licence to take orders to execute multiple persons if required 

The House of Rothschild - Bennett. H.O.R.B

H.O.R.B security as deterrants than personal assistants separate from undercover staged in different places while there or arriving then those travelling with in convoy are separate from messengers & drafted persons & drafted groups in our advanced international security including sharp shooters & those able to connect bodies to 3D print devices to review memory using software metrics then subdue before releasing. Inspired by President George Bush Sir. with specific international interests  


If you change your legal name, gender or appearance in anyway we will trace through Government contacts internationally 

You cannot run. You cannot hide. You are exposed. You are bring brought to justice legally & through advanced private efforts 

"When I was a teenager a joke amongst classmates involved an apache heli coming to pick me up at any moment over the Cypress program. I was unmanned mostly yet many were not out of the loop or over threat labs despite being asked not to talk. The three labs in Ontario tried connecting with different families & even brought some in expecting I would not find out yet they had been caught within minutes just like any offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication" - Syd


We can simply connect a body using detachable technology then send a signal through their eyes to connect another person using the first person as an intermidiary device without the second person knowing just as we can use a disguised device as an intermidiary device to the main wireless full body drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll "Havana Sydnrome" causing technology 

We can have our temporarily attached persons walk attache round high traffic attaching - connecting bodies to review memory using a software metric extracting before release & even take control of their bodies + hook up crowds of people covertly doing the same connecting them into a network


The House of Rothschild - Bennett Security 

Invisible ghost aircraft neuro-technology allowing us to beam entire ground groups or those through walls using mirror "through wall" access technologies to connect mass groups of bodies in an efficient quick way for the same process of review & total control covertly

Technology to connect to the wirless signal of an unmanned drone aircraft or other unmanned item to connect operators of to neurological technology then we can send signals through their eyes hooking all bodies up & take control of the location in a ripple effect process 

GLOBAL STAGE --------------------------------------

Privatizing World Peace 

Each country has this variable

Domestic economy
International trade
International waters

Allies then distrusted potential enemies in Government then different private & public market for economic activity & trade domestically & internationally

Real conflict then staged conflict to probe investigations for control & competitive sabateurs versus equal safe competition in economic activity

Security threats to safety of those within borders, airspace & out to international waters

Man-made & natural disasters 


9 billion main device packets of 3D print full body detachable drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology plus software with networks to allow a log in - review & control option for human teams  

We are housing within interior false soundproof walls of specific sky scrapers & silo bunker locations internationally

Our current capability is over 10 million yet we are manufacturing enough to take every human body plus that of other species if required  


If your body is hooked up under control by a lab wirelessly using neuro-tech your an affected person

If your suspected to be an affected person by any lab. Government. Government - third party. Third party. Foreign threat operating in a foreign country or domestically we can attach, trace signals & investigate the lab plus everyone operating there & those connected while performing a review as to negotiate to unman & settle for your future & re-assimilate you into a new life with financial compensation 


Intermidiary device - device used to hook a wireless signal to your body then to the main device housed at the location the main device is assembled & situated

A wireless signal sent into the brain via any area of the body


Main device - actual device. Full body drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll device to monitor & control with a mechanical ventilator & software plus log in to control digitally or with a human team from the inside of your body wirelessly wearing you like a suit if your partially to fully manned rather than unmanned left in control with thought, imagination & memory recorded + past extracted & reviewed 


Dr Sydney Bennett - Karen Fellici


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