Dr Sydney Bennett 2023-2090+

I don't want to travel to often... or far yet the fund - budget is there as is security once I discharge from Thornhill with brain trauma + injuries from Havana International 3+ 


$1.5 Canadian million annually personal budget in Ontario - one person justified by investment's sustaining over 100,000 international middle & higher class income - lifestyles + other   

$65 Canadian million buy in to preserve (2014-2023)

Niagara Region:

- Niagara on the Lake larger estate property

$10-15 Million cash sale with renovations

Niagara office & boat slip

$9,000-$14,000 per month after cash sale with inflation + preservation - maintenance plan included

- Ridge Road larger estate property

$10-15 Million cash sale with renovations

Grimsby office & boat slip

$10,000-$15,000 per month after cash sale with inflation + preservation - maintenance plan included

- Lincoln research property

$10-15 Million cash sale with renovations

$5,000-$7,500 per month after cash sale with inflation + preservation - maintenance plan included

- Region commercial property

$5,000-$7,500 per month after cash sale with inflation + preservation - maintenance plan included

Central Ontario:

$10-15 Million cash sale with renovations 

- Muskoka's Lakeside large estate cottage + sled - snowmobile & atv or moto options

Muskokas office

$10,000-$15,000 per month after cash sale with inflation + preservation - maintenance plan included


- Toronto CN Tower shared condo

$5 Million cash sale with renovations

Toronto office

$10,000-$15,000 per month after cash sale with inflation + preservation - maintenance plan included

$49,000-$74,000 per month

Travel budget $100,000-$300,000 annual


$57,334-$99,000 per month 

$690,000-$1.2 Million budget minimum

Add extra

Recreation power sports - upscale vehicle options + security & art, decor + furiture - fixtures & furnishings

$10,000-15,000 fund or $120,000-$180,000 annual

$810,000 - $1.4 Million annually

$1.5 Canadian Million budget from personal & joint then CIG investments & income 2023-2090+

"A masquerade & artist approach to success from accumulated intertwined complexes in my adult challenge especially with Havana International 3+" - Sydney   


$2.5 Canadian Million annual + buy in to sustain 

$167,500,000.00 Canadian Millions Dollars total required 

"I chose to lock this in without question April 2023" - Sydney 


This leaves me with quite in terms of left in the larger bucket of $7-11.4 US Bn personal net worth which partially under $2 US Bn include joint & CIG investments above not including 

Damages owed - Havana International 3+ 

The global penalty + personal damages of $10 US Bn with Canadian + connected interest's owing me from recorded & documented evidence plus traced correspondence ah, yeah, aww $5.4 US Bn of that $10. Aww pout 

Ah, a protest to send a message globally as to why you don't experiment on Canadians including myself & others in such a way 


City: Sydney Underground covers financial damages with third parties over time after initial investment in covering by third parties for the responsible labs 

If a third party wants to cover the $5.4 US Bn with different interests in exchange for opportunity to challenge a $6-10+ Billion global investment (for third parties & a percentage for City: Sydney Underground over a term period initially to cover the $5.4 US Bn then 6-10 with changing terms at 10 between parties) - ground up & through City: Sydney Underground shared profit projects over time we can work it out yet I want the Ontario labs devices moved to my vault with security & screened guests filtering through only using Cypress International Biotechnology policies, standards + controlled environment versus unmanned rules strictly & firmly 

My portfolio + 11-25 hours alongside blogger pages = opportunity with copyrights, international patents + trademarks & investments plus collaborations & franchises

Private core - hybrid mainstream & mainstream general public international 


Threat based - guilt based & emotional pressure & detention - execution combination style interrogation's = stress face to face & wirelessly


Properties are just my personal only. Myself with security & a date partner if I so choose then any pets plus screens guests I allow short - long term 

CIG & City: Sydney Underground. Investment group & company (business) 

Employee's & contract term employees or others live off site from budget or are put up in temporary options or staff focused options owned by CIG if demand raises requiring us to purchase a bloody condo building or to build one 


A donated $100 Canadian million for my brother Jordan & any children plus his parents Rod & Marie Savage Bennett for a controlled portfolio in Ontario (same areas - different properties) 

Dr Sydney Bennett - Dr Mary Koslov 


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