The "Not Withstanding Clause" in Ontario sure like others outside of Charter plus other red tape in decision making because of an equivalent in what is Canadian Constitution in Federal - Provincial Government decisions

We legal loop hole to cap costs & fees to drive wages - salaries up & control costs 


- Capping maximum pricing allowances on new & used vehicles based on buyers & different details on wages - salaries + accumulated savings - wealth  


- Capping maximum pricing allowances on each rental, short term rental plus owned: apartment - condo, duplex or single family + other dwellings to control values & investments + access & affordability regardless of current values in a controlled housing correction & control 

Dental & health

- Capping costs & quality plus delivery to control health care & dental care costs & fees to bring access to more options domestically at lower rates 

Food - drink

Alcohol & legal substance 

Control over illegal substance 

Vacations - holidays 

Domestic design - manufacturing & trade plus growth & production versus imports from international sources 

Monopoly & Corporate policy - law plus privatization & options for smaller groups to assemble to go against with equal market opportunity against larger monopplies for strength financially in creating demand 

Pro-rate tax

Pro-rate sales in cost - fees 

Pro-rate & controlled taxation numbers based on a general Provincial wide yet altered per geographic area based on economic activity 

One area may have lower taxes on goods & sales versus another plus breaks in pro-rate sales for locals versus tourists & travellers as further subsidy

Further control of choice in insurance for third party health - dental versus public access universal basic & auto - motorcycle, man-made & natural disaster insurances or off-road & off-road competition or commercial 

Overall larger numbers then tailoring for each geographic area then funding allocation for such areas from surplus - Federal & Provincial + domestic & from international import & trade (relying on less of international as a more self sufficient internal series of connected economies)

Control over pricing - profits & excuses versus reality with supply - demand or shortages & effort including growing - crops & production to market with enivormental - health concerns addressed refraining from short cuts for short term Corporate greed profit 

The word to cap. Capping maximum allocations on profits or profit margins & sales then studies over buyers then finding before supplying rather than allowing for risk on how many similar or different times can be displayed available in licence for sale at the retail level

Pro-rated sales works for income levels & accumulated savings - wealth accumulation allowing for a subsidy to bridge the gap between impoverished & a stronger middle class with disposable income 

We require this. A pro-rate sales for training middle, middle class, upper middle class & higher levels affluency above in accumulated wealth - savings + annual incomes 

Voiding volatile international & domestic influence on pricing - of internal domestic supply - demand economically on everything to destroy reliance on international forces 

This is a direction that needs to happen yesterday with financial - banking & economic controls considered including fiance debt & debt control versus surplus & international voidance on factors that influence efforts to create a surplus leaving international interests controlling the domestic economy without domestic interests in control voiding the country power over their own economy & country itself 


Geographic appearance & environmental feeling on how buildings - roads, street lamps & the area can look & feel plus style with allowances on what a branded business can do there as each area should cap demand on what the corporation & company can deliver as public or private acess to maintain their image & a locals history image with character 

Everywhere is the same versus not allowing such a mistake to keep character & style in tact along with different neighborhoods selected for their style in one geographic area as a mandatory theme in law 

This has to happen otherwise we loose the Canadian - European image to Corporate America style despite efforts in USA to maintain such as well like interest groups pushing for lower cost mass market health food & organics versus carcinogenic & hazardous materials, proceases & practices to human & other species biology 


Canadian cultures + sterotypes then separately American & other sterotypes that are ignored yet sometimes tolerated 

From Cowboys & Indians to modern British - European plus private modernized Canada with its first & early settlers plus mutli-cultural modern "guest new Canadian" challenges including generational born in Canada versus others with their feet planted for longer periods with internatonal connections + empire elite investment families 

Americans often say huh. Canadians say eh or hey as transition words then there are different Canadian like American accents in general then the multi-cultural international Canadians versus Indian - Native first nation aboriginals  

- Canadian 

British & European families. Original settlers

- Canadian 

Mutli-cultural new Canadian settlers after 1900

- Indian - Native First Nation Aboriginals  

Original Canadians including North American Metis


We need educated & respectful Indian - Native First Nation Aboriginals with orginal British - European settlers in Government representing as a majority only & only with a minority capped approval on new settlers

First. Capped mandatory image 


Canadian Indian male - female family representation heterosexual with skill + portfolio then team 


Canadian white male - female family representation heterosexual with skill + portfolio then team 


All others second including gender variants & sexualites + non-visible or visible disabled or other minority & majority groups  

Federal + Provincial Prime Minister & Provincial seats including Premier & upper level positions versus mid level & lower level positions within Government with wage - salary control allowing for third party investment options with strategic financial approaches to sustain lowering taxation across the board & increasing quality of life 

Politically correct internationally based on geographic appropriate plus UN Member Nation laws then Canadian specific Federally & Provincially on race, culture, gender, sexuality, gender expression, education level - credentials plus knowledge, skill & ability plus experience & social - financial ability & flucations + vocabulary & social style, interests & life cycle of experiences with all details considered including how people hold themselves: communicating & reaction + response in style & interest delivered 

Prior to 1971 oil embarko we had imperial in Canada. We joined a UK - Europen style metric on math & language yet it lingers 


We also want to cap control over births on the white man - European background & Canadian Indian versus the others in mutli-cultural Canada just as China & India plus larger populations should consider regardless otherwise those races will overpower in numbers through sacrifice & eventually take control pushing out others in time financially & socially with control like a foreign country infiltrating from the inside out covertly 

I, Sydney feel this includes earth's history & Canadian history while effort to glorify the British Monarch should be subtle & minimal with independence & control as a Commonwealth Org member country State & UN Member Country 

"We founded this country in out blood & sweat. Our bloodlines. The financial system & connected world banks included connecting to Bevarian Masonic" - Sydney


Get the fu*king piece of sh*t sand n*gers out of our government & into entry level to kid level at most private sector jobs. We don't require any new settlers in any Canadian political party or lobby group 

Fu*k you! Your not liked. Your not welcome. Your motor accepted or tolerated. Go home to fu*k you country me no English & fu*k off!

NDP leader included which I, Sydney will fracture the neck of alongside others over Havana International 3+ plus other concerns including mass slavery in India + control over Canadian opportunities 

Touch ours again & we will wage war against the new settlers & East Indian brown man in Canada removing you people from existence regardless of connections & positions held. Blacks or African Canadian belong in private sector + entry to mid level while selected empires & bloodlines operate as capped - approved investors & investments groups due to trust & track records against the Canadian - Indian & Canadian White man (persons)

Dr Sydney Bennett - Dr Mary Koslov 


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