-Speigel Center Boston, MA
Hair removal
Under chin skin lift (injury)
Consultation complete - waiting on dates to book. Withheld due to Havana International 3+ labs case since 2020
- Mozaic San Francisco, CA
Genitalia - specific to case
Consultation complete - waiting on dates to book. Withheld due to Havana International 3+ labs case since 2020
- Stan LA, CA
Hips - but - thighs intramuscular for athletics, sports, motocross + implants with muscle - fat redistribution
Consultation complete - waiting on dates to book. Withheld due to Havana International 3+ labs case since 2020
Pinhole gum grafting
Professional teeth whitening
Hair Removal
Scar removal
Left arm minor surgery
Neck & spine minor surgery + review
Physiotherapy, diet & maintenance
2023-2025 planned + maintenance
Medicentres - Calgary Dr Popov
Referrals + review with Core Psychology & specifics in Calgary & Canmore
1032 17 Ave SW #3, Calgary, AB T2T 0A5
Purpose: female birth to male like trans intersex like experiments + brain experiments to de-transition back to female permanently $1.5 US M budget
Quest - St Catharines + Airdrie - Calgary scans. Normal spectrum 100% + "female kidneys" as a heads up
Initial transition 1996-2005 / de-transition held off between 2006-2018 due to Havana International 3+ then sabotaged "botched" between 2019-2023
The three clusters of Ontario labs cannot force me to live as a partial sterilized half gender or transmale person then claim I have a disability - handicap to cover up use of their full body drown robot puppet ventriloquist device manufacturing how I seem or communicate, react & respond then claim I have a cover & must be involved in something criminal, fraudulent or illegal if I want to de-transition & like in control of my body for myself. Using bio-grown experimental organs makes no difference
The three clusters of Ontario labs cannot force me to live as a partial sterilized half gender or transmale person then claim I have a disability - handicap to cover up use of their full body drown robot puppet ventriloquist device manufacturing how I seem or communicate, react & respond then claim I have a cover & must be involved in something criminal, fraudulent or illegal if I want to de-transition & like in control of my body for myself. Using bio-grown experimental organs makes no difference
Cannot claim I am not to be an over exaggerate of knife welding crazy person like reaction... a crazy person or & impoverished poor person. A cray cray loco nut nut because I once heard a ah, song song there hey? Persons listening
Cannot claim I am not to be an over exaggerate of knife welding crazy person like reaction... a crazy person or & impoverished poor person. A cray cray loco nut nut because I once heard a ah, song song there hey? Persons listening
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