The entire Havana International 3+ Ontario Labs Massacre Case shares similarities to the Jigsaw Horror complex within the film series franchise

The mentality of multiple parties (persons & groups) involved operating at the three clusters of Ontario labs is reminiscent of these films in efforts taken against their prey or victim subject bodies at times each day plus comparisons to different international legal cases

Saw Franchise - Review


The majority if not 100% or 95-98% of those that operated at or with the three clusters of Ontario labs prior to 2012 & daily between 2012-2023 are comparable to disturbed criminally & mentally ill undereducated yet often sophisticated in some cases serial killers ages 18-100+ alongside those ages 0-17 

Peeping Tom,  voyeur, dangerous, often erratic, unpredictable & terrorist vile parasitic degenerate weirdos. Weird ones. The odd fu*kers man... you know? They almost pulled Laura & the others down their trail of weird too

That is what wack as sh*t isn't not understood? Do ya'll understand? 


Spying on us & through our bodies wirelessly commenting or silently with ability to take control of our body vocally, physically & psychologically revoking privacy laws & monitoring our thought, memory & imagination leaking it to those there & outside the location illegally & criminally 

"Do you think I want you watching me through my head commenting & taking control of my body in anyway spying on me & those around me with whoever, whenever mistreating me like I am a piece of sh*t bag fu*k? Yeah? Honestly?" - Sydney 

We are 100% against those that operated at or operate at the three clusters of Ontario labs & those mentioned + anyone those operating there compared anyone including us to at anytime between our birth - present time. You all can go fu*k yourselves! We are not the "insert here" the second because you notice similarities to how we communicate to others. We are not trying to become you fu*king people & we did not & are not including you in our lives especially if your in North Bay & area in Ontario Canada or Ottawa & same deal. Fu*k you!

"You think I want to change how I am to be like someone that had or may & or does exist? Fu*k is wrong with you mother fu*kers? Fu*king ret*red?" - Sydney 

Sydney Bennett, Dr


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