
Those that refused to challenge me in court

My legal enemies in life are now as before those that operated with or at the three clusters of Ontario labs & connected labs

You spoke near, into or through the sourced & housed Havana syndrome causing full body drone robot puppet ventriloquist device which was illegally connected to my body before age 16 in the Province of Ontario Canada in what was supposed to be an unsuspecting way as those responsible lured me in for something else expecting I would not know or understand ow to react & just die early at their hands or submit to their requests to operate - handle my body while monitoring my mental state: imagination, thought & memory taking control of my body regardless of where I was & what I was doing

Monitored unmanned to partially & almost fully controlled at any moment

Taking control of my body vocally, physically & psychologically using the technologies capabilities including normal, detention & execution practices or a combination of forcing me to fight for control of my body & dictators at the device operating with persons outside the location in their lives or others or mine expecting me not to catch on or be aware

In 2012 I was written off by superiority complex age superior persons that condescendingly talked down to & about me upholding themselves & others up high expecting me to be a want to be poser trying to be something I am not allegedly taking lead from others & shy, self conscious - often embarrassed & humiliated anti-social yet care free with a want to be lack of conscience as a fearless bold not rigid logical confidont  (confident person)

I was now someone with behavioural problems that needs one on one to warm up to people & slowly work into social scenes feeling them out developing a comfort level

I would go from one extreme to the other at times & revert between memories & not be able to process information & stay engaged yet I like to be wrapped in a cacoon

The three clusters of labs not knowing me or my life cycle of experience or my actual medical scans, evaluations & chart - file had decided to use comparisons to try to illegally evaluate me unmanned or while partially to fully manning me

I was mislabeled multiple times & falsely represented then held to these claims versus what I was actually like the entire time consciously including my developed portfolio, mental state plus physical body, past & on-going interests & overall life which included earned credentials & experience

I did not include the three lab clusters of those involved & connected before 2012 or after yet they did before 2012 in a less harsh way & dangerously between 2012-2023 putting themselves in charge of me taking the law into their own hands 24/7


Outside of these efforts you all collectively refused to appear in court with documented & recorded evidence, arguments plus traced offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication revoking interest in a Canadian - USA court case 

You kept spying on & through me while expecting to just oversee, keep an eye on & control me wirelessly using a 24 hour rotational team with guests flown in & driven in operating with different persons & groups through different offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication which included those connected & those I met & did not 

Sydney Bennett, Dr



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