

No non-visible or visible disability. Just injuries associated with mainly neurological technology tests & trials

Claims by different parties that were not there 100% physically that I disagreed with stating I was experiencing behavioural problems & acting out or going against the grain & should submit rather than being independent with my own perspective & opinions (figures of speech in terms of scenarios or social situations & hierarchy in decisions or expectations & standards) using my own due diligence 

Sheep following suit I was arguing against as I questioned everything before making a decision. They could all jump a cliff & I, Sydney was cautious not to jump with the ret*rded idiots. I was aware & began to be like this between ages 3-7


One out of three at one medical professionals office: symptoms of Aspergers Syndrome AS a mild form of autism & inconclusive in auto immune or digestive bowel concerns like chrons, ulcerative colitis or diverticulitis

The evaluation discluded the Rue Cypress & Ontario lab cluster neurological technology & the one lab (Ontario cluster) had forced me to look away, look down to make it look like I did not want to be there so I seemed guilty freezing my ability to silently or vocally & physically communicate


Re-evaluations that included the Rue Cypress & Ontario lab cluster neurological technology intervention included factors not considered in 2004 like my physical body head to toe not being underdeveloped & my brain, internal organs plus cognitive ability, I,  aptitude plus grades - social character references & real life eniroments plus life cycle or experience in character & image plus credibility with multiple other detailed efforts against arguments to seek out a non-visible or visible disablity - handicap

No non-visible or visible disability. Just injuries associated with mainly neurological technology tests & trials


The real disabilities - handicap persons

Birth hereditary or late on set & environmental unless they earn it within legal options to respond 
Padded hats - check
Mouth guards - check
Ear muffs vintage - check

Smiles & funny noises & it's play to get chunky & be loud 


Nick & Sydney (Nicole) haven't a allergies, disability - handicap or digestive butt problem yet they were tested due to neurological technology tests & trials. Drug & alcohol plus physical fit testing, hearing & vision testing then psychological plus pee in cup not poo in cup though (okay) 

No medication required. No therapy & maintenance required. Just healthy diet & exercise. 

Sydney Bennett, Dr



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