
Rod & Marie Savage Bennett along with son Jordan & wife Amy plus both sides of the family, extended family with Jacqueline Francis Keller, James Vanderzvaag & Barrie Martelle plus everyone connected in or near Ottawa in Ontario Canada plus those outside the area can go fu*k themselves 24/7

In reality they should all kill their own children & commit suicide as they are a waste of atmospheric air we all breath

Fu*k all you all especially for your requests, false claims & disrespect that damaged my life including efforts to fins call steal from me then operate with the three clusters of Ontario labs between 2012-2023 or before

You are all traced & connected in files pertaining to the Havana International 3+ Labs Massacre Case & multiple persons are wanted on a lot of Canadian, US & international crimes as a result

James Vanderzvaag is a butt fu*k fagg*the that should be executed with everyone it meto including family & extended plus those connected or & those that met it   


Literally they are that criminally & mentally ill in thinking they are superior or would & could help by making themselves feel & look superior in their separate lives while looking down & talking down on myself & others in our lives like they are all of a sudden more responsible in every way plus socially, physically & psychologically superior to myself & others yet they feel & expect myself & others to get pissed off over nothing for no reason & to blame forced that do not exist for anything negative that occurs in our lives even if responsible parties are caught at the time scamming or trying to swindle myself or others 

They cannot tell when someone or a group does not like them for something they did in their lives ad they are stupid oblivious dufus people person "peoples" as we raise the youth internationally to underatand why bringing awareness to the lab arguments & their actions 

2014 - 2015 after the 2007-2014 divorce due to Jackie infidelity & theft plus scamming ways with her brothers + others she got with James & kept two timing him with friend Justin & also Barrie plus others like a dirty wh*ring slut she's isn't not 

Requesting me to pay bills Jackie was responsible for after she ignored the prenuptial agreement then 50% separation clause & hundreds of thousands in debt she left me with while she started a new life with someone else leaving me footing her bill then the one lab refused to allow me to take her & others to court between 2014-2023

There she is with own home, cottage, atvs, snowmobiles, vehicles, trips to New York City & Florida plus others raising her son (father unknown due to slut) & working the drug dealing gang contractor house budding plus dental receptionist situation near or in Ottawa (post 2014 October)... after refusing to pay me as I can fu*k off & accept 

Jackie sucky fu*ky 5 dollar (anyone - Boko-Haram & then some) after she spend the $10 million she soaked me for & neglected separation clause (dirt wh*re)

Financial skills & she wouldn't put out anymore after chested too many times. She became an abusive b*tch after I thought I got her out of an abusive situation in 2007... waste of time (bore show) 


What I get for the towel rack & make out - finger fu*k scene of 2007 & poached her from the others (temporarily as it seemed). "Awesomeness" with the lost weight & hung of my arms at that time she almost made the cut then... almost model if she kept the weight off & took Acutane 10 otherwise ex pimples mess & slughtly chunk at 150lbs plus (not 130 or less) then reformed bad teeth due to braces but you know she was fu*k ugly as a teen & child. Cute but fu*k ugly red neck girl

I draped her in dresses & passed her off as hot at a Silent auction or two in Western Canada. She was pretty for a rugged moto farmer red neck Tom boy in a mediocre pretty package (nasty in bed)

Draped in activity specific clothing, accessories & footwear is far different than that plus the persona to become the person or character (birth to present scene or situation in different social & physical environments bouncing off communication with others)

Sydney Bennett, Dr



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