Witholding people & interrupting them in their lives wirelessly through their heads wirelessly while spying on & through at what they see & hear

Words said into the skull - ears regardless of where the subject body is & what they are doing or intending to do to get them thinking & remembering distracting them & harassing them mentally - psychologically from focusing on what they are forcing them to multi-task physically & mentally or to stop what they are doing to focus on those at the one lab asking questions or using different normal, detention & execution or a combination of techniques to read their mind - thought, imagination & memory

Words often used to get them thinking:

Well I - to get the mind thinking
They - to get the mind thinking
Umm - to get the mind thinking
Well - to get the mind thinking

People trying to stop the subject bodies from thinking or remembering & or to control what they think or remember & imagine or what they may do or actually do vocally, physically & psychologically for total control as a precautionary measure based on potential claims they could do something inappropriate legally or socially

Pain or no pain administered in control techniques or mind reading techniques plus hundreds into thousands of excuses to justify while disregarding law, privacy law & rights


Injuries associated with detention & execution or a combination of practices including tasering or the effect of including inflicted mild, moderate to severe & extreme pain with or without sweating to restrain physically, suppress psychologically whole forcing the body to sweat using hundreds of techniques & styles draining energy & revoking the body control for themselves with no explanation all to read the mind & control the body

Concerns of injuries

Fractured bones
Damaged ligaments
Sprains & strains
Damage to internal organs & eyes
Damage to genitalia & an*s plus rectum
Damage to muscles
Damage to heart & lungs

Potential for brain hemorrhaging (internal bleeding) & brushing plus mass loss due to contraction & violent expansion pushing on the skull causing swelling of the brain physically as the internal organs are connected to the device wirelessly so you can physically move within the body & control them the muscles to control limbs, hands, feet, fingers & toes 

Ability to use voice to skull V2S capabilities to speak into the skull & ears with or without causing a wet - burning sensation depending on decibel levels & skull then ability to speak down the throat & through the mouth of the body for them disabling their ability to speak for themselves locking in their consciousness rendering them partial or almost full catatonic prisoners within their bodies


Sydney Bennett, Dr



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