
I refuse to own anything that has existed or that does now over the 2012-2023 terror attacks administered by the one of three Ontario labs which also negatively affected me previously between 1980's-2011 


Specific accounts outside of North America through Carly, Tekari & Patrick plus The Commonwealth Group International & connected interests 

Financial investments with lower risk of over $1 US Billion. Vacant land & I refuse to own more items or clothing, accessories & footwear that fits into two travel bags. I refuse to own a vehicle or anything else. All my other previous items are being liquidated - sold, donated & or given to collections within The Commonwealth Group International 

Money - Vacant Land + Investment strategies to maintain money. Nothing else 

My children's portfolios connected to Carly, Tekari & Patrick's are of importance separately 



I purchased my then wife Jackie & I 

Two cars 

A house to raise 2-6 kids in with yard with my other children involved 

Specific items for the house at one apartment 

The one of three Ontario lab gave me the death penalty & wanted Jackie wirelessly under their control with someone else with my money & assets while I was to be dead, discredited & remember as someone that was to have been a fraud want to be mental patient where nothing ever went right... yet they made sure of this from the one lab 

I purchased the house & rented it out due to this fact & the lab with contacts turned Jackie against me between 2008-2014 

I was later isolated, discredited & attacked 24/7 between 2012-2023 regardless of where I went & what I was doing after previous efforts taken against me in 2005 & at times between 1980's-2011

2014 divorce during the attacks that began between 2008-2012 & spanned to 2023 




Our global grid, Corporate draft & efforts in response & retaliation 

Justin Trudeau & wife Sophia with children

Justin Trudeau & wife Sophia with children

Ontario - Disability



We are murdering the Prime Minister that exist & Justin included are epeople we Killin gin retaliation for what the three Ontario labs & other labs in Canada, USA & UK with other international interests

Murder City - Gang. 100% against over 30 million Canadians minus members 

We vow to execute everyone that had & does work in the Canadian Government. Federal & Provincial over the 2012-2023 terror attacks now between 2023-2025 & before 2026-2030 

The medical clinics & hospitals in Canada are also our targets in response & retaliation for efforts taken between 1980's-2011 & again between 2012-2023 

We are destroying the lives of every Canadian & guest to Canada now in retaliation including the Canadian economy while we Corporate draft the deaths of everyone that physically entered the three Ontario labs between 1980's-2023 

Not one person connected to a neurological technology device is ever brain dead. Left unmanned with EEG technology you can detect brain waves & other tests disprove these false claims 

Multiple persons & groups within & outside of Government 

Retaliation following through on threats made on our behalf to justify attacking us to death wirelessly with the alleged support of Trudeau - Justin & Rota - Anthony plus others connected banding together as a power in numbers strategy  


The persons speaking through my mouth & into my head wirelessly attempting to control me especially between 2012-2023 fooling people physically around my body into thinking they operating my body & speaking for me is myself consciously yet it is them 


We are making Rota & everyone connected die wirelessly in retaliation 

Justin Pierre James Trudeau PC MP is a Canadian politician who is the 23rd and current prime minister of Canada. He has served as the prime minister of Canada since 2015 and as the leader of the Liberal Party since 2013.
Born: December 25, 1971 (age 51 years), Ottawa
Spouse: Sophie Grégoire Trudeau (m. 2005)
Height: 1.88 m


We are making Rota & everyone connected die wirelessly in retaliation 

Anthony Michael Gerard Rota MP is a Canadian politician who is the 37th and current speaker of the House of Commons of Canada since 2019. A member of the Liberal Party, he currently serves as the member of Parliament for the riding of Nipissing—Timiskaming.
Born: May 15, 1961 (age 61 years), North Bay
Office: Member of the House of Commons of Canada since 2015
Nationality: Canadian
Previous office: Member of the House of Commons of Canada (2004–2011)



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