
Sells item to new or used at maybe a discount then tells everyone gave it to person to look good while making person seem.pathetic like charity case that can never do anything themselves or get anywhere in life

Aww Sydney Nic Bennett failure

Suck a fu*king t*ty

C*ck head? Head of c*ck? Which translates to how could a pen*'s allow this person to be born 

Then they take back item or steal & sell it to another & even want to be paid for the irme again (a second time) to the point of billino me

I emancipated at age 16 

Rod & Marie Savage Bennett were real characters between 1990's - 2002. Especially between late 1990's - 2015

I bought gift cards & a couple cars. Gift cards were purchased with Unilever's guy Dace Draper for grocery sales promotions yet they sold excess to me at a slight discount or the opposite 

I also rented space for $425, $450, $800-$1000 per month while I was renting elsewhere or owning at the same time 

Rod was a crafty sales man with a food brokerage & scammed me only because he's a prick! Marie followed suit because c*m in the p*ssy & down the throat Roddy provided for the short little twat


My earned money... despite the Havana Canada 3+ Ontario Lab Massacre Case I qualified to use my settlement & earned money plus earned money through an investment portfolio I set up 

The three Ontario labs wanted me held down under their watch & control in Canada, Province of Ontario on their disability program working maybe while they manufacturing how I vocally speak & act physically locking in my consciousness to drown robot control me if I was not left unmanned & monitored 

I had to find a way to work around this & had yet navigating those involved & connected while being recorded & watched internationally wad a challenge 

Rod plantation (man's earned household) + 1950's slavery. He liked Jordan & the couple did not pick favorites

We had homes & new clothing, accessories & footwear plus new cars & holidays, vacations, interior - exterior chores, security, rules, interests, earned allowance & outside of school education plus times & activities  

It was not entirely bad... they just targeted me & Jordan would throw me down to cover up his interests always blaming me

I was always the problem

I was always maybe involved in something

Blame me blame me blame me

An invisible force & I was always bein used & was the later nerd fu*k allegedly being used & disrespected to my face without knowing it then somehow suffering from behavioural acting out disorders & anti-social behaviours 

I was the picked on now they decided 

I didn't understand as in reality that all was not happening but they would assume

Judged based on some of my outfit looks versus others & genders 

I guess their 50's-90's jock competitive way assumed I was picked on or asking for it


The bigot vintage jokes are & well if I bought in it would have affected me but I found another way separately so he just looked "different" doing that whole bit



Gender + sexuality corruption

I was placing a phalloplasty implant pen*s into my third wifes vag*na

The people illegally watching wanted me to be her with the vag*na taking the male d*ck

They then in a snap judgment decided I had a female perspective psychologically 

2013 unlike 1995-2005 which stated male like to boy or male more than female 

Corruption between everything else carried out between 2012-2023 & before dating back between mainly 1990's-2011

The the an*l area. Filth & sewage

I was to want to have him or her strap on deep within all of a sudden

I was like. Wait what? When did I agree to that (stupid fu*k saying weird as a sh*t while watching me then it saying tries to pretend to be me thinking like I am stupid)

I wasnt going male gay or about to volunteer my sewage area for penetration 

I understand people of different genders have their own opinion & likes 

Restraining my muscles & locking in my consciousness while psychologically suppressing me then requesting while vocally speaking for me to ask & have past dating mates touch sewage area or penetrate was not my choice but... it happened & I have spent days curled in a ball shaking just sitting there... or drawing, drinking wine or writing & shaking - shivering in distraught response  

Making it public is whatever... it brings attention to the labs which is worth it 



I don't even have to word. Just imagine

Recreational sex does not mask problems 

I am literally am 100% against an*l sex & 90% of everything done to my body 24/7 between 2012-2023 


Dr Sydney Nicola R Bennett 


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