
These two with others they knew including my Canadian family & extended deemed me a handicap straight male like person in 2000's when I had little time to visit or assist them with any projects on homes they lived in as I did help them renovate their first home in North Bay & visited their Chestermere home bringing food to pitch in & for myself plus small gifts including for their children after they had them (or the one when Jackie & I were together when Jackie was not loyal)

They had on record been caught passing me off as someone with mentally ill disabilities

Colon blow - ulcerative colitis or like maybe chrons or diverticulitis an auto immune disorder plus alergies because I had mild astigmatism & wore eyeglasses & contact lenses before lasik eye surgery

It was a sterotype so I had butt problems because they decided so


I was before in 1990's then in 2005.

Sober no. I was high on marijuana & under a mind spell. If doctor looks, look away as you know. I know. It's rude to star

Fu*ker thought Autism - aspergers syndrome AS a Mild Form of the problem plus a stomach issue which was just the neurological device at one lab not Rue Cypress Montreal or California

So 50% maybe autism but probably high on drugs & neurological technology

So no mentally ill disabilities


We found out that I can get pregnant so that was not fu*ked up for me as I knew but like some people because of the Tom boy thing figured that wasn't right

It couldn't be right

Dr Sydney Nicolas R Bennett


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