Without me because she's such a piece 

337 Pinnacle Road Horton Township Renfrew, Ontario, Canada 

Takes photos in my dresses then starts fu*king the photographer DJ fats homosexual device that is Mr Barrie Martelle's back door in a Jackie Bronco... posses off & to fu*k him while he ant happy in agony over psychogoical mind games 

Into the Great Big Barrie. Sweaty, fatty hairy Barrie the fat kid 

We are killing everyone that physically entered this residence & specific others between 1988-2022 because the one lab decided so. So I made my threat for me. Like a gift public form them for me so I look crazy. See (I'm crazy)

My Roxy Jacket that like was like Torch that designed it. Furry goodie hoodie Torah & the like lower part where the body goes into (yes Jacket is a vag*na). Landing strip jacket for snowboard girl pilot straight girls first I think. I don't trust Aussie girls often. So like angries Torah jacket & like should have kept & kept the dresses & fu*k you Jackie. I kept one of the Lulu Lemon pants. What a do-ink 

2012 fall or whatever Blue Roxy jacket. Fit her. Slightly to big for me but whatever 


The people that tied to talk into my head (skull) & through my mouth including those that spoke for me are getting killed for refusing to appear in court against me with the wireless device used to argue against recorded & documented evidence plus traced international correspondence

Jacqueline Francis Keller is one of multiple targets in our war against target three Ontario labs

I am not your bud, brother, brah, sister, sista, mother fu*k sister

Nothing. I ant nothing (because we ant fu*king understand?) And And we Answer And we are not friends or connected plus you you don't have a sweet little p*ssy (fu*k my female fiends are filth. Even not friends are filth)

Dr Sydney Nicolas R Bennett 


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