-----------------------------------------------------------------------This man in Arnprior 2008-2009 with Jackie brother Brandon was a total fu*ing douche bag fagg*t d*ck with its family & extended family
He is a fagg*t fu*k aggressive mental patient that I, Sydney hate passionately
They complete thieving d*cks then turn around and describe me as a d*ck ye they ripped me off for over $10 Million dollars between 2007-2014 & literally lied, misrepresented me in comparison to others & operated with the one Ontario lab to isolate, discredit & execute me with multiple persons operating in a power in numbers strategy
I was a what you call fake supportive amicable person for Jackie to coax the fu*ker into court to come clean with the three labs so I could sue the piece of vile parasite
Fu*k you
Tekari & Sydney destroyed & are destroying everyone Jacuqleine Francis Keller met in their pathetic lives in every nook & cranny on earth in over 60 countries
Oh some fagg*t Asa fu*k gets along well with Jackie incestuous murderous Uncle Brother Philly the grade 8 drop out retard on Stone road in Renfrew county? The price of vile sh*t
Fu*k you. Philly should be deceased years ago!
Valid. Ottawa Scene versus Socal & internationally
We are brutally murdering these people for spying on us at or with the three Ontario labs between 2007-2014. We are killing them as they should all be serving life sentences
That is what we worked out. Their deaths between 2022-2025 & before 2026
This parasitic human is getting killed with every family member, extended family member & minor ages 0-17 & those a he's 18-100+ & this peasant poor Canadian family what's me, at $6.2 US Billion & over $100 US Million to be jealous of their pathetic red neck incest asses's?
The nerve of these red neck teeth
Jealous? After having been r*ped, seized of my portfolio, funds & adult life because of Jackie & I am to write it off & let it go? While she lives a free life between 2007-2022 & I am locked down between 2012-2022
The males she date-fu*ked are going into he grave early for the Canadian Parliament & Mario Dion regardless because fu*k all you all
Dr Sydney Nicola R Bennett
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