They could refer to me as lined paper Vista Class ret*rded to feel superior with son Jordan above me

I am a fu*king Particle Physicist & MD - Neurological Science expert that studied business & gained credentials in other areas plus I have an advanced portfolio

I cannot handle that sh*t. People assuming I am stupid & they are smart

I am irresponsible & they are not while others deserve better than me as others are more responsible & secure which makes them more attractive to be a partner than I which is held down wirelessly

More attractive options that have more to offer than myself apparently

This is why I hate Canada. That right there. Assumptions against facts & offensive comments assuming I am a bottom dweller want to be rather than my actual portfolio, credentials & experience which is just disregarded as nothing while they hold others up above me as they don't need me around as they have other options especially between 2012-2022


I became a customs to this growing up as a child & trencher shuffled around then again as an adult doubted by the three Ontario labs, those connecter & others

Non-stop criticism beyond & judgment in different areas outside of main jobs of my portfolio

If I dated someone there was always someone better than me more suited for then than I. More to offer than I

Always someone. Better then severe judgment on my physical appearance, clothing, accessories & footwear plus silent & silent - vocal communication

So this is the human beings I know. Judgmental highly critical pieces & those alongside me under a scope themselves to these fu*king people

I know some people font fave such yet it's my reality between 90's-22. Even with minimal mainstream work in my portfolio. It's just judgement 

Dr Sydney Nicola R Bennett 


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