I tolerate specific people that are gents or ladies that like R&B or Hip Hop but if your like this damaging little gang banger but hurt fu*k with conflict coming at me then we are like at war. Like knives in throat & guns at each other just I have a very advanced strategic army of ghosts & your a little fu*k

So that's how I don't really like that especially if they physically visited the three Ontario labs

I don't like you people. If I tolerate you I do if I don't I avoid. If you poss me off your fu*ked

I'd your from Canada & we met or your connected I'll just murder you or have you killed publicly so the entire world knows it 's me

If you were part of the 2012-2022 attacks or connected outside the Districts 33, 36 & 63 California + connected then you can just commit suicide for what your recording doing. It's all good. Go, now kill yourselves (pathetic vile mother fu*kers)


Upscale - ballroom wealth executive tea shade vintage modern mix with guns & a ghost army not your little butt fu*k gangster kid on the corner begging not that I don't have lots of those too the policies fu*ked

We were not making amends then... this round it's in the grave (for all you all not mine & those connected)

Go meddle with yo own stupid little butt fu*ks. Naw you see no confrigation (congregating) around ours find your own clique 

Amber (Heard + others) you own the machine so take it to court & cash in I guess? I cant get it out of that building.  They are in love with celebrity use that sh*t. It's cash money. Fu*k. Man 

I gifted the human rights machines to a celebrity group in District 33. My bodies hooked up but it may offer some that need opportunity & money an option (just like I am in an bind seized) 

Artists - A-listers - Musicians & Science people like myself that double as artists with experience. It's there device to fight forn& maintain rights over. That way the Government's can't be like it ant real when looks the devices are real & everyone else now won't be hooked up because I am proof of their big secret conspiracy. 

Dr Sydney Nicola R Bennett 


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