
Each family member in Jacqueline Francis Keller & Rod Bsnnwtt's families plus everyone we traced them to having met minors ages 0-17 & those ages 18-100+

We are not allowing them to live in Canada or outside of Canada for what they are recorded doing physically at the three Ontario labs on record between 2000's-2022 & before dating back to 1990's-2011

We are making sure everyone involved with the three Ontario labs. Those mentioned, contacted or connected minus specifics approved & screened in District 33 California


We are killing the past & now present 24 hour rotational teams with volunteers & guests flown in or driven in & those persons & groups they mentioned, contacted & connected through different online, offline, mobile & telephone channels of communication 

Jacqueline Francis Keller is 100% responsible for the entire 2012-2022 terror attacks with the three labs & those connected operating with her family in Canada. North Bay, Toronto & Ott1awa plus Renfrew County 

2007-2014 IS RECORDED

All offline, mobile & telephone or online communication plus in person interaction face to face separately of

Jacqueline Francis Keller born 1988

Sydney Nicola R Bennett "Nic" born 1985

We are having Rod & Marie Savage Bennett. Their son Jordan & wife Amy Toms with three children & everyone on both sides of the family killed minors ages 0-17 & those over age 18 ages 18-100+ for operating at or with those operating from or at the three Ontario labs between 1980's-2022 

Cooperstone Village Airdrie attacks

People getting between Jackie & I, Sydney including her gay brother Adam that we are killing now between 2022-2025 & 2026 


We are having everyone that worked at a & that works at a PWC or KPMG in Canada brutally killed now between 2012-2022 in retaliation over the 2012-2022 terror attacks 

The companies & people involved with the three Ontario labs are being exposed to every area "nook & cranny" of every country so I, Sydney with others can expose the people involved over the 2012-2022 attacks & efforts in destroying my portfolio between 1990's-2022 & my US - International career plus my separate efforts in Canada... a pathetic country 


Do not want to be connected to me now since the early 2000's

That may work on some celebrities to fu*k them off guys but I am the kind of person them that does not accept 

Selective Service versus Corporate Draft & Investments plus infiltrating using different people in different international organizations 

I don't accept no for an answer 


See. You do all this sh*t to me at the there elabs with those involved & connected & I am someone not one person or group wants to be connected to?

Sorry... you will be out of work, disgraced, globally destroyed. I will destroy you all

Dr Sydney Nicola R Bennett 


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